Chapter 73: Second Chance

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          Chris pulls into Kendall's driveway, trying to replay in his mind what went down at his office. Chris surprised.

          "Chris!" Addison shouts when he walks through the door.

          "Addison!" he squeals back, scooping the little girl up in his arms.

          She erupts in giggles.

          "Where's your mom?" Chris asks Addison.

          "She's feeding Logan," Addison points to the living room.

          "Come on," Chris smiles picking Addison up and walking into the living room. "Hey momma," he greets, leaning down and kissing Kendall lightly on the lips.

          "Hey," Kendall smiles holding Logan. "When did you get here?"

          "About three minutes ago. Your security stopped me," Chris winks, tickling Addison before setting her on the couch beside Kendall. "Who is easily persuaded by the way."

          Kendall smiles, "how was work?"

          "Um, I had a surprise visitor," Chris begins.



          "Why did he show up? Hurt himself again?" Kendall smirks, looking over at her daughter, whose eyes are glued to the TV.

          "He uh apologized to me," Chris says, that getting Kendall's attention back.


          "Yeah, for the night at the hospital. He praised me actually for helping you take care of Addison and Logan. He wants to be in their lives Kendall," Chris says.

          "I don't think so. He's a drunk."

          "I don't think so," he shakes his head. "He had a different look about him today. I think he wants to change. He told me he's been going to AA meetings. He claims he hasn't touched the stuff for a week and a half."

          "And you believed him? You don't know him like I do Chris. He's a liar and a manipulator."

          "And I'm saying trust me, Kendall, give him a chance. Let him see Addison and meet Logan. I'll even come with you when you do it if it makes you feel better."

          Kendall sighs closing her eyes.

          Chris watches her, sliding his arm around her shoulders. "I told him to step up and that they didn't do anything to him. They deserve their actual blood father, having me is just a bonus," Chris smiles. "I think he wants to change. I think he's realized that he screwed up."

          Looking up at Chris, the tone in his voice persuading her. "How do you do that?" Kendall sighs.

          "How do I do what?" Chris smiles.

          "How do you make everything you say sound so convincing?" Kendall smiles softly.

          Chris shrugs his shoulders, smile on his face, "I don't know I've heard I had a way with words." He leans in and softly kisses her on the lips, "just give him one more chance Kendall."

          Closing her eyes and letting a sigh escape her lips, "okay fine, fine."

          Chris smiles, kissing her forehead, "I think that'll be best for Addi and Logan."

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