Chapter 66: Fake Dad

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         A couple of days pass, and Kendall hasn't heard from Chris. But, on the bright side, Kendall receives a call from the preschool—them wanting to meet with Addison's parents since she was accepted. After the excitement hits her, she realizes the director asked for both parents, unsure what to do since she hasn't heard from Chris in days and thinking he's changed his mind. Not wanting to make up an excuse to the preschool yet, she decides to call Chris.

         "Hey," Chris answers on the third ring.

          "Hey," Kendall smiles relieved from the sound of his voice. "So Addison got accepted to the school, and the director called and asked for us to come in. Can you please fake her dad one more time?"

           "When?" Chris smiles, wiping the sweat from his forehead, doing yard work.

          "The appointment is at two-thirty."

          "Yeah, I'll be there. Meet at your house?"

          "Sounds good, thanks Chris."

          "Yep," Chris smiles ending the call and continuing his yard work.

          Kendall puts Addison down for an early nap so she won't be moody at the meeting. She then gets ready herself.

          He walks up the porch steps, sporting jeans and a sports jacket on top of a black v-neck. He knocks on the door. Standing there with his hands in his pockets, Chris hears Kendall coming down the stairs, talking to Addison. The door opens, Kendall standing in a long striped maxi dress and a jean jacket.

          "Hey," running her eyes down Chris, "you look really nice."

         "Well I got to look presentable for my fake daughter's headmistress," Chris winks, leaning down to kiss her.

         Kendall barely kissing him back, "well you certainly fit the part."

          "Chris!" he hears Addison squeal. She makes her way down the stairs and runs over to Chris, jumping in his arms.

          "Hey cutie," kissing her temple, "you look pretty."

          "Thank you."

          "You guys ready?" Kendall asks grabbing the paperwork.

         "Yep," Chris and Addison say in unison.

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