Chapter 46: Miscarried

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          Sitting in the waiting room, Chris getting more and more irritated as they have not yet told him anything, his hands together, his leg bouncing up and down as Kendall's mom arrives a few minutes prior.

           "I had problems when I was pregnant with Kendall too it will be just fine," her mom tries to reassure him—nervousness in her voice.

           "Something is happening, or they would have come and got me."

          "You don't know that. You shouldn't think like that strong," her mom says patting his knee.

          "Hamilton? Chris?" Chris hears his name, Kendall's doctor standing in front of the double doors.

           Shooting up off his chair, "Where is she? Can I see her?" trying to walk past her.

           The doctor grabs his arm pulling him back, "only one person at a time. I'm sorry." They walk back, "She's asleep now and it's probably best you let her be. She's been through a lot."

           "What the hell is going on?" Chris demands still clueless.

           "Nobody told you?" she asks, eyes wide. "Jesus," she sighs, "I'm sorry Mr. Hamilton but she lost the baby."

          Grabbing onto the chair to steady himself, "wait...what?"

          "It was a late-term miscarriage, usually we can tell if it was going to happen but looking at her records both Kendall and the baby were perfectly healthy last checkup. It's rare that this happens but it does."

           Chris begins to tear up, the doctor pulling him into a hug.

           "I can get someone to come down to talk to you. It's going to be hard. I could also get your mom if it helps."

           "It's Kendall's mom, not mine," pulling away wiping his eyes. "I need to see her."

          "She's right this way," the doctor says as she opens the door. "Let me know if you need anything."

          Chris nods his head and shutting the door behind him. He walks in and pulls a chair up beside her bed. Kendall is pale, Chris texting his mom, revealing they lost the baby. He looks back up at Kendall.

          "I'm sorry Chris," Kendall whispers.

           Sliding his phone in his pocket, he gets up and walks around, kneeling in front of Kendall. He slides his hand in her hair, kissing her forehead.

          "It's not your fault."

          "Yes, it is," tears running down her face.

          "No, it's not Kendall," wiping away her tears. "Quit looking away from me, look at me...."

          Kendall shakes her head. "I can't. I don't want to see your disappointment," burying her face in her pillow. "We had it all planned Chris. We were going to have the perfect little family," finally looking up at him.

          "Sit up a little," Chris says, standing back up.

          She carefully sits up, Chris getting on the bed and wrapping his arms around her, just wanting to hold her. She collapses against Chris—body shaking. He holds onto her, a nurse coming to check on Kendall but turning and leaving, wanting to give the two alone time. But, shortly after a nurse comes in checking her IV's and blood pressure, a death grip on Chris's arm.

           "Has she told you anything about being uncomfortable or how she is feeling?" the nurse asks Chris, Kendall keeping to herself. "Are you okay? Can I get you anything?" she adds.

           "No not really but um a bottle of water would be nice," Chris nods. "Thank you for taking care of her."

           The nurse nods, walking out.

           "Did you tell our families? What are we supposed to do Chris?" Kendall sighs.

           "Your mom is out in the waiting room, and I texted my mom," kissing her forehead. "But we stick together, we get through this."

           "What if we can't," Kendall tears up, "I don't know if I can get through this."

          "Sssh..." Chris hugs her, rubbing her back as she drifts off, the nurse bringing up his water.

          "I think both of your mothers are outside. I can bring them in if you'd like?" the nurse asks quietly.

          "Yeah just tell them to be quiet," Chris says, Kendall sleeping against him.

          "Don't worry about her sleeping so much, it's normal," the nurse informs walking out. 

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