Chapter 6: Lunch with Mom

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          While Chris is back to working with his clients, Kendall gets home and showers before heading out again to meet her mom for lunch.

          "Welcome home honey," her mom hugs her, both ladies sitting down.

          "Thank you, mom. It's good to be home."

        "So how does it feel to be home?"

          "It's been good, just been catching up with old friends and getting things unpacked. I didn't realize I had so much stuff!"

          "You are my daughter," her mom winks. "Have you seen Chris yet?"

          "I have twice actually. I saw him out last night and stopped by his office this morning. How come you never told me he became a Physical Therapist?"

          "I guess it never came to mind. He's a damn good one. He helped your dad after he had his shoulder surgery."

          Kendall sips her wine. "I should have come home for that I'm sorry, but I'm glad Chris helped him.

          "Is he still dating that woman?"

          "Kelsey?" giving her mom a look, "yeah he is, he seems to love her."

          "I wish that was you, Kendall."

         "Mom stop, him and I are just friends, and we will always be, that's all I want," Kendall exclaims looking across the patio for a bit then turning her head. "Don't even say maybe that they will end it like Nathan and I because I wouldn't wish it on anyone."

          "I'm sorry honey," her mom sighs thinking about when Nathan and Kendall broke up, Kendall was devastated.

          "I just don't want to think about love or dating anyone for a while."

          "I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't have said anything," her mom sighs.

         "It's fine mom I'm over it, well getting over it," Kendall smiles. "I think coming home is the best choice though."

          "Good because Nathan was an asshole and I didn't want to tell you, but I'm glad you realize that. You need somebody better. Someone that loves you for the beautiful and talented girl that you are baby," her mom says.

          "Well, I wish you told me that before I spent three years with him. Maybe someday I'll get that mom," Kendall continuing to eat her Cobb Salad.  

          Walking through his front door, Chris walks upstairs and into the bathroom, seeing Kelsey getting out of the shower—practically jumping when she sees Chris.

          "What are you doing home?" Kelsey asks.

          "Because I'm off work and wanted to come home to my girlfriend."

          Kelsey walks over and giving him a quick kiss, "Right, I'm guessing I just lost track of time. How was your day baby?"

          "It was good. What about you?"

         "Mm it was okay," Kelsey says dropping her towel, "about to get a lot better," kissing him softly.

          "Oh really?" sliding his hands on her lower back and pulling her to him. Kelsey begins to unbutton Chris's shirt and pulling off his tie. The pair making out and moving to the bed, bodies entangled all night. 

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