Chapter 22: The Truth Comes Out

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          Late afternoon the next day, Chris accepts a dinner invitation from his mother. Beforehand he goes home and showers, surprised Kelsey isn't back yet.

          "Sorry won't be home till late, work dinner sorry," the text reads from Kelsey.

          "It's alright mom invited me to dinner."

         ":)" the text reads from Kelsey. Chris gets in the car and heads to his mom's.

          Pulling into her driveway, Kendall's car on the right side as he smiles, thinking to himself "touché mom." He walks up the steps, knocking on the door and calling out, "mom?"

          "In the living room Chris," he hears his mom call out.

          Kendall's heart almost drops into her stomach as she hears him, thinking this will be weird.

          "Hey Kendall?" Chris asks confused.  

          Kendall shuts the books that are in her lap, "Hey Chris," she smiles. "I'm sorry we ran late Ms. Hamilton. I'll come by tomorrow so we can finish up?" Kendall asks standing up.

           "You don't have to leave," Chris smiles softly.

          "Nonsense Kendall, you are staying for dinner," his mom insists, patting her son's chest.

          "Okay I guess I am staying then," Kendall smiles.

          Chris winks at her, Kendall smirking and giving him an eye roll as she cleans up the design books and puts them to the side.

          "What can I help you with?" Kendall asks Chris's mom.

          "Nothing hun. Sit down and relax."

          Kendall opens her mouth to fight her on it but knowing she can't win. "Fine, I know better than this," sitting at the counter.

         Chris pours them a glass of wine and handing one to his mother and her, winking.

          "So did your mom tell you we are redesigning the house?" taking a sip of her wine.

          Chris's mom shakes her head no.

          "Well did she tell you she knows about us?" Chris smirks, taking a sip of his wine.

          Kendall's eyes get big as she almost chokes on her wine. She punches him in the arm, "you told your mom that?! Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed," Kendall says, hiding her face in her hands.

          "She's a shark man she wanted to know. So I just told her," sliding his hand where she punched him.

          "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you, I'm just surprised," Kendall smiles, "I don't think I can look you in the eyes right now Ms. Hamilton!" she jokes.

          "It was bound to happen, baby," Chris's mom says.

          "I suppose you're right," Kendall smiles. She finishes her wine and keeps quiet before getting up and pouring another small glass. After taking one more sip, she sets the table.

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