Chapter 28: Suspicious

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          Seeing headlights come through her window, she walks to the front door and opening it as Chris walks up the steps.

          "That was quick. Must not have had to do that much convincing," Kendall smiles.

          "Yeah well," Chris laughs walking in and to the dining room. "This looks good," Chris nods to the food, seafood risotto with a salad and glasses of white wine on the table.

          "Thanks. I've been cooking it since I left us at lunch."

          "Well, he's missing out."

          "He is, but I prefer this anyway."

          "You guys alright?" Chris asks sitting down.

          "We're okay. He's been traveling a lot, so I rarely see him. I think he's a lot more serious about it than me."

           "You don't suspect him of cheating, do you?"

          "Well, I wasn't until you said that. But no, I don't think so. I told you he's talking marriage."

          "I'm still on the seesaw with Kelsey," looking down at the plate.

          "Whether you want to be with her or not?" Kendall asks.

          "Um her being with someone else, it's just not adding up right."

          "Do you not think the baby is yours?"

          "I don't know Kendall," running a hand through his hair. "She's always on the phone whether talking or texting. She stays at work way later than a marketing person needs to. I beat her home almost all the time."

          "That is a bit strange especially with the extra stress of being pregnant she should be taking time off. But as much as I do not like her, I will honestly say I do not think she cheated on you or anything."

          "I hope you're right," Chris says finishing his wine.

          Kendall smiles and gets up to get the bottle of wine and pouring both another glass and Chris. She hands him back the glass and then wrapping her arms around his neck from behind, kissing his cheek, "I am pretty sure I am, stop stressing," sliding her hands on his shoulders.

           Chris looks over at Kendall, moving his eyes from hers down to her lips and then back to her eyes, taking a deep breath. He pulls away a little knowing she would have kissed him if she wanted to. Kendall sits back down. They sit in silence.

          "How does this always happen with us..." Kendall says softly.

           "Because we are in the wrong relationships," Chris says.

          Kendall's surprised he admitted it, "I know...we are."

         "I'm gonna kiss you," Chris says setting the glass down and walking over, kissing her. Kendall knows she should say no but not wanting to—kissing him softly.

         "We can't keep doing this to Kelsey and Alex Chris."

          "I know."

         "We are sitting here questioning if they are cheating on us yet we are the ones hooking up with each other," running her hands up and down Chris's arms. "But at the same time I want you so damn much," Kendall laughs.

          "I should start heading home."  

          "Well thank you for coming over tonight," Kendall says softly. Chris begins to head out but quickly grabbing his arm to pull him back, kissing him hard. "You aren't going just yet."

          Chris smiles as Kendall walks them back to the living room and onto the couch, not breaking the kiss once. They sit on the couch making out as Kendall starts to undress Chris.

         "Okay I need to go now," Chris laughs, pulling away.

         "Yeah I know," kissing him a couple more times.

          "I'll text you," Chris winks, kissing her forehead and heading home.

          "Everything go alright?" Kelsey asks, sitting on the couch going through the presents.

          "Hmm? Oh yeah, everything is under control. You get home okay?" Chris asks, placing the keys in the bowl by the front door.  

          "Yeah, everything went well," running her hand over her belly. "We have everything in the house. You have a lot of work putting things together."

          "I'll get to it."

          "I'm sorry if today was weird for you. I could tell you didn't enjoy yourself."

         "Uh yeah it was, but it's okay. It was for Mason."

          "He's gonna be one lucky little boy," reaching over for Chris to come over and sit with her.

          He walks over and sits down, grabbing the TV remote and turning on the TV.

          "Really Chris?" Kelsey shakes her head. "I'm trying to spend time with you, and you just want to watch TV?"

          "Okay, I'm sorry," turning off the TV.

          "No it's fine, watch TV if you want to," finishing folding the baby's clothes. "It's just we don't have much time together before the baby is here."

          "I know. Look, Kelsey, there's something I..."

          Her phone rings.

          "Do you mind if I take it or do you want to talk?"

          "Go ahead," Chris says. Her smile lights up as she makes her way down the hall.

          "Hey did you forget something while you were here..." Chris hears Kelsey say till she closes the bedroom door.

          Sighing, he turns on the TV again and takes a picture and saying, "I'm miserable," sending it to Kendall.

         She sends a picture back of the empty spot in her bed, "me too."

         "She just disappeared on the phone. I think I have a pretty good idea who she is talking to," the text from Chris.

         "Chris she just saw him I doubt it's him."

         Not saying anything back as he looks at the TV, passing out on the couch.

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