Chapter 59: Total Different Worlds

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          The next morning, Chris's alarm blares in his ear. He gets out of bed, leaving his newly asked girlfriend tangled in the sheets.

           "Good morning hun," Sierra smiles stretching—watching him get dressed. "Where are you going?"

          "I have to go to work," Chris smiles, buttoning up his shirt.

          "Oh okay."

          "What's wrong?" Chris asks.

          "I just thought I was going to have a day with my boyfriend."

          "I only have two clients. It will be like two hours' tops," Chris winks.

          "So I can stay here?"

          "Be my guest," Chris winks.

           "Are you sure you don't want to call in sick?" Sierra smiles against his lips, kissing him softly.

          "First day as my girlfriend and you're already a bad influence."

          "Just a suggestion," Sierra smiles.

          "I'll be back before you know it," Chris kisses her forehead.

          "You're gonna hang with grandma a bit while I do some errands, okay baby girl?" Kendall says to her daughter, running a hand through her little girl's hair.

           "Okay mommy."

          After informing her mom she'll be back, she heads back to her house to see if Russ is packed and gone. Walking through the front door about ten minutes later, Russ passed out still on the couch.

          She shakes the couch a little. "I told you I wanted everything packed and you out of here."

          "Oh my god, Kendall," Russ groans sitting up.

          "Get out! I told you I'm not messing around this time," Kendall yells, grabbing a bag and beginning to pack.

          "Trust me. I'll get everything packed, and you'll never see me again."

          "Good then get your drunk ass out of here," Kendall says. "You're not crawling back this time either," pushing him.

           "Why do you have to be so annoying?" Russ yells back, getting off the couch.

          "Because I want to make sure I don't see your ass again," Kendall says, starting to look around making sure his stuff is gone.

          Russ grabs his car keys and his bag. "You going to take care of two babies by yourself?" he smirks. "Good luck."

           "I've been taking care of Addison by myself since she was born. I think I'll be fine," Kendall says back to him, following him out to the porch as she watches him get in the car. He gets in the car, peeling out, Kendall flipping him off, shaking her head, wondering how she put up with it for more than two years. She can't help but feel disappointed in herself. She's never been a girl that would take stuff like that from anybody. Heading inside, she cleans up at the mess he left. 

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