Chapter 9: Boxes of Memories

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          "Well, this is it. Want to get the grand tour?" Kendall asks, walking up to the door.

          "Yeah sure, I have time," Chris smiles as they walk in. Chris looks around, "This is really nice."

         "Thank you, it's a lot different from what I had in NYC, but I love it," Kendall exclaims showing Chris the dining and living room along with the kitchen. They walk into the living room and sit down on the couch as Kendall nods toward the box on her coffee table, "Now that I'm settled in a house mom keeps bringing over boxes of my childhood memories. This one is like a box of you and me," Kendall laughs opening the top showing Chris pictures of prom when they went together for two years in a row. There are also a few sports pictures and even one after their graduation.

         "And I still have the love note you wrote me in elementary school," Kendall nudges his leg.

          "Let me see that," Chris nodding to the letter.

         She pulls it away and opens it smiling, "Dear Kendal," looking at Chris, scrunching her nose, "you forgot the other L in my name."

         "Whatever," Chris laughs, "keep reading."

         "'You are beautiful, I like your hair, and you are good at basketball," Kendall smiling back at Chris. "Such good qualities to have," she says. She looks back at it again but unable to read his kid writing as she hands it to Chris, "I give up."

         "Kendal you are beautiful," Chris laughs noticing he wrote it twice. "And I just want to know if you would be my girlfriend?" Chris smirks, "yes or no" on the paper, nothing circled.

         "I guess I forgot to answer, or I wanted to avoid you," Kendall teases.

        "You forgot to answer," Chris smirks handing the note back to her.

        "And if I said yes everything could have been so different," Kendall says placing the letter in the box. "We would have had one of those traumatic middle school breakups, and we would have never talked again," Kendall smiles.

         "This is awesome though that your mom kept this stuff."

          "She told me I'd appreciate it one day and lo and behold she was right. One of the many perks of being back home."

         Chris wraps his arms around Kendall's shoulders and pulling her closer to him, kissing her temple, "Well I have missed you."

       "I missed you too. I'm sorry we didn't stay in contact."

        "It's both of our faults."

        "Well, good thing I'm back because it's not happening again."

         "Good," Chris says kissing Kendall's forehead as his phone vibrates in his pocket. "And that will be Kelsey," pulling his phone out of his pocket.

        Kendall sighs as she pulls away.

        "Well, I better get back home, thank you for the beer and food," Chris smiles.

         Kendall stands, "Yeah you don't want to keep her waiting, but no I really enjoyed today too. So, I will see you Saturday at Alex's?" giving him a hug.

          "Yep, with or without Kelsey," hugging her back. He kisses her forehead a couple of times before walking out and heading home.

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