Chapter 12: Hint Of Jealousy

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          When Chris gets to Alex's house it's packed, and everyone is either inside or out, mostly out since it's a perfect summer night. After getting past the people, he goes inside and sees Alex.

          "Sorry I'm late," Chris apologies.

          "No problem man I'm glad you came. You didn't have to dress up for me," he jokes.

          "Kelsey drug me to a retirement party to a lady I don't know and people I can't stand so," Chris laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

          "Well, at least you get to make up for it here," Alex says as someone calls his name. "Hey, I need to ask you something later don't let me forget."

          "Why didn't you just ask me right now real quick?"

         "Probably better before I get drunk anyway," Alex smiles. "So what do you think Kendall would say to me if I asked her out?"

         Chris doesn't expect that, and not expecting Chris to feel the way he did when he asked him. "Um, I think she'll say yes, you have a thing for Kendall?" Chris smiles.

          Alex smirks, "I mean how could you not? She's amazing. I always had a thing for her back before we all left, but now that she's back I don't want to ask if I know I don't have a chance in hell."

         Chris clasps his buddies shoulder, "She's a great person, and she is my best friend, so I say go for it."

         "Thanks man," Alex says stoked, walking away.

         Chris watches him walk away and sighs as he gets a beer. He looks over as Kendall is standing with a couple of girls and catching up. The two make eye contact; she winks.

         "He just keeps getting finer every time I see him," one of the girls smiles.

          "Who Chris? Don't let him hear you say that," Kendall smiles.

         "Hey there, you escaped," Kendall smiles hugging him. The girls disappear.

         "Yeah finally, her old man was getting drunk when I left so yeah."

          "That's a good sign to know when to go," Kendall laughs. "You missed a good time earlier hanging out, having dinner by the fire. I think Alex is a bit overwhelmed by how many people showed up."

          "Yeah it's a good turn out, and I know I feel bad, Kelsey dragged me to this retirement party."

          Kendall runs her eyes up and down Chris, "hence the dress clothes then, not that they don't look good just a bit overdressed," Kendall winks. "I wouldn't feel too bad about it. At least you made it."

          "Yeah well, I knew somebody was going to be mad regardless, so I just thought Kelsey would get over it."

          "True, that's a good point, and here you don't have to be so stiff."

         Chris loosens up his tie, "you look great tonight by the way."

         "Thank you. You're quiet, what are you thinking?" Kendall asks.

         "I'm just thinking about Kelsey's family and that whole lifestyle..." 

         "You know you still have a chance to escape it," Kendall suggests. "I'm kidding but why do you think about it?"

         "Kelsey was introducing me to all these people and saying how I'm going to be taking over the company in the future. Before I left her dad told me to let him know when I want to ask Kelsey's hand in marriage."

        Kendall's stomach twists, hearing the word marriage. "Oh..." Kendall smiles a little. "Well, I guess it's just a matter of time though. I'm sure he thinks you would have asked a while back."

        "Yeah I love her, but I'm not ready for that commitment yet like I said."

         "Well you need to decide what is going to make you ready for that commitment because you can't let her wait forever," Kendall laughs. "Well more like she isn't going to let you wait."

         Chris smiles and watches Kendall, thinking back to what Alex asked him. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, taking a long pull from his beer.

         Later on in the evening, Chris is walking around trying to find Alex, seeing him walk over to Kendall. He stands there a sense of jealousy coming over him.

        Chris walks over, "I think I'm gonna head out man," shaking Alex's hand.

        "Sorry I wish we got to hang out more, I'll hit you up this week."

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