Chapter 51: Breaking Point

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           Making their way back to the parking lot hand in hand, Kendall glances around—her heart stopping. Malik, Kelsey, and Mason coming into view.

           "Everything okay?" Chris asks, noticing her stop.

            "Kelsey," Kendall whispers as the two walk over.

           "What?" Chris says right as they walk up.

           Kelsey gives Kendall a fake sad smile, "I'm so sorry Ken."

           "Thanks Kelsey."

           "I just can't imagine."

           "No you can't," Kendall snaps back. "You can't imagine it Kelsey. It's the worst feeling in the world okay?"

            "Come on," Chris sighs, pulling her away, knowing seeing Mason is hard for her.

           "Remember what I told you on the phone today Chris and you know I'm also here for you," Kelsey pipes up.

           "What is she talking about?"" Kendall asks Chris, raising an eyebrow.

           "She called me when you were asleep and before I fell asleep. She heard from Sarah about what happened," Chris explains himself.

           "He needs someone to talk to too," Kelsey says, Malik's eyes darting at her.

           Kendall breaks, then tries to get past Chris's arms to Kelsey. "I hate you!" she screams. "You had your chance, and you blew it. Don't take my boyfriend from me. Don't contact him again!"

            "Kendall come on," Chris says a little surprised by her outbursts. Falling into his arms, she collapses. Chris walks to his truck and helps her inside, kissing her forehead knowing he needs to take her home. He walks around and gets in the truck, driving back to his place.

            Getting back to his place about seven minutes later he helps her into the house. Once she sits down on the couch, Chris walks upstairs—disappearing for a few minutes. Walking back down, he helps Kendall upstairs and into the bathroom.

            "Get in there," Chris whispers, kissing her temple. The bathtub filled.

           Kendall smiles seeing the bath," thank you," feeling his kiss. She undresses a little shy about it after her traumatic experience. She steps in, "I'm sorry for the outburst. I think it's pent up in me for so long I just said it," Kendall apologizes.

           "It's okay," Chris sits down beside the bathtub, looking down at her stomach. Kendall moves his head to look up at her. "What are you doing?" Chris laughs.

           "Nothing, I just like your eyes up here and your lips against mine," Kendall smiles, kissing him a few times, making up an excuse.

           "Babe you look amazing," Chris says against her lips.

           "Chris stop please," closing her eyes.

            "Stop what?"

            "Just please don't comment on how I look. I know I look bad, don't say it to try to make me feel better."

           "Kendall, why do you think you look bad?" Chris asks moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

           "Honestly Chris the only part of me I like right now is you."

            "You are beautiful, please understand that," Chris sighs.

           Knowing she won't make him understand, she just kisses him back, "Thank you," leaning back. "Are you going to get in?"

           "I'm gonna sit this one out," Chris smiles, sliding his hand under the water and on her stomach. Kendall clenches, "what?"

           "Nothing," shaking her head, "it's just after we get done talking about how I don't like how I look you go touch the part I hate most."

            "Sorry," Chris apologizes, leaning over and kissing her forehead. He doesn't want to say anything else, afraid to set her off.

           "How can you be so calm about this? You act like nothing happened. Aren't you sad or angry?"

           "Kendall I'm just as numb as you. That wasn't just your kid it was mine too. I'm just trying to be strong for you," Chris says softly.

            "I know she was your child," Kendall frowns, "that's why I don't understand why you're acting this way. You can't always be strong Chris, and it's making me feel like I'm the only one who cares."

           Chris swallows hard but doesn't say anything. All he can think about is that he won't be able to do anything right or say anything right till this subsides a little.

           Kendall waits for Chris to answer but realizing she's not gonna get one, she stands up out of the water. She reaches for a towel and gets out of the tub not saying a word to Chris.

            "Kendall I'm trying to be there for you, but you're making it really difficult."

           "I don't want you here for me! Stop being so nice about everything," she yells, walking into Chris's bedroom leaving him in the bathroom. "I want to get rid of everything."

           "What?" Chris says, getting up off the bathroom floor and walking into the bedroom. "No, you want to try again eventually don't you?"

           "I don't want any memory of her," Kendall shakes her head. "Are you being serious? No, I don't. I'm not going through with this again."

            Chris just stands there, totally shocked. "Okay," he nods. "I'll start moving stuff then," he says walking out of the room. He shuts the door and walks into the baby room just wanting to get away from Kendall.

            She sighs, running a hand through her hair. Hearing Chris move stuff around in the next room, she calls Sarah hoping to get out for a while.

           "I'm going out with Sarah I just need a break," Kendall says, opening the door.

           "K," Chris says, his back to her.

            "Bye," Kendall sighs.

           "You okay babe?" Sarah asks Kendall as she gets in the car.

           "I can't stand to be there anymore, I needed to get out," Kendall says. Sarah drives away. "I'm pushing Chris away, and I can't help it, and he is going to hate me."

           "What do you mean you're pushing him away?"

           "I don't know. I'm so angry and upset, and he is, I guess in his own way, but I...I don't know I just want to fight, and he won't give in, and it makes me just pick at him more."

            "What have you been arguing about?" Sarah asks as she pulls up to the park. The girls get out and begin to walk the concrete path.

           "Everything, every little thing. The way he looks at me or touches me and everything we do."

           "What did you fight about today?"

           Kendall shrugs, "I don't know all of the above. He's cleaning out her room now."

          "What? Why is he cleaning out her room?"

          "I don't know," biting her lip, "because I said to." 

           "Did he say anything?"

          "No nothing." 

           "I don't know Kendall. Maybe he is hurting inside he just has a different way of showing it."

           "I know, and I need to be nicer about it."

           Sarah nods her head. 

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