Chapter 72: Unlikely Apology

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           A couple weeks fly by, Logan is already two weeks old. Chris has been staying with Kendall a couple nights out of the week to help with the little guy. He was sad to leave them all to go back to work.

          Sitting down in his office chair, loosening his tie as his last client of the day left a few moments ago—he takes a breather.

          "Hey Chris?" his receptionist says on the phone speaker.

          "Yeah?" he asks.

           "There's a Russ here to see you."

          "What? Don't let him..."

          The door opens. Chris stands up.

          "What are you doing here?" Chris commands, phone in his hand just in case.

          Russ puts his hands up, "I'm here to apologize."

         Chris smirks. "And why the hell do you want to do that?"

          Russ slides his hands in his pockets, swallowing hard.

          Chris watches him, sliding his phone in his pocket trying to figure the man in front of him out. Clenching his jaw, Chris walks back behind his desk and sits down.

          "Sit," Chris commands, nodding to the navy chair in front of him.

          Russ complies.

          "Once again, what are you doing here Russ?"

           "To apologize," Russ begins, rubbing his hands together. "To apologize for the way I acted at the hospital. My behavior was, let's just say uncalled for."

          "You reeked of alcohol man," Chris sighs leaning back in his chair.

          "Yeah I know," Russ swallows hard. "Chris right?"

           "Yeah," Chris nods.

          "Chris, I appreciate what you're doing for Kendall and Addison. I'm glad someone is there because I haven't been."

          Chris nods, "you're welcome. But why haven't you?"

          "I wasn't ready for the family life as fast as Kendall was when she found out she was pregnant with Addison, I panicked," Russ sighs. "I wasn't ready to give up the party life. I just started treating her like crap hoping she would just leave and she finally did."

           Chris takes a deep breath, not sure why he's saying all this.

          "I've been going to AA meetings. I'm trying to get sober. It's been about a week and a half since I touched the stuff."

          "Why are you telling me this?" Chris finally asks.

          "Because I thought maybe you can talk Kendall into listening to me. I know she won't if I ask her to talk to me."

          Chris sighs just looking at him. "I mean I can try."

          "I came here first to apologize."

          "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, that would be Kendall."

          "I want to be in Addison and the new b...."

          "Logan," Chris finishes.

           "Logan," Russ nods. "Logan's life. I don't want to miss out on him like I did Addison."

          "I'll talk to her," Chris says, getting his stuff together.

          They both stand up.

          "Just get your shit together Russ. Your kids deserve their real father in their life. They didn't do anything to you."

          Swallowing hard, Russ watches Chris walk out—following behind him.

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