Chapter 70: Visit From Russ

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          The next morning after Addison and Kendall's mom leaves, Kendall hears the news that Logan has to stay in the hospital a little longer since he is a month early. The nurse leaves, just the three of them. Kendall nursing Logan.

          "Chris I know you're exhausted you don't have to stay."

          "I want to."

          Kendall hears her name being yelled outside of the room, her eyes shooting wide open, "that's Russ."

          He storms in, reeking of alcohol.

          "Hey man, don't get too close," Chris stands up in front of Russ.

          "Russ, no you're drunk. I don't want you here," Kendall says.

         "I know you," Russ points at Chris. "You're that doctor. What the hell are you doing here?!"

          "Hey buddy, you need to go sober up."

          "You're not stopping me from seeing my girlfriend and son," Russ slurs trying to move around Chris.

          "I'm not stopping you, go home and sober up and come back," Chris says trying to be civil.

          "Russ I don't want you here. You never wanted him. You haven't seen your daughter in months. You don't deserve to meet him," Kendall holding Logan closer.

           "Come on man," Chris sighs.

          "He's my son. I get to hold him if I want," Russ says.

          "Russ, if you don't leave I'm calling security."

          "Russ, man come on, don't make this any harder. You don't wanna jeopardize anything," Chris advises.

          "You're both going to regret this just wait," Russ storming out.

          "How did he even know Logan was born? I can't believe he showed up," Kendall surprised.

          "I don't know," Chris sits back down.

          "Chris I don't trust him," Kendall sighs, her heart racing. "You don't think he can sign the birth certificate, do you? I don't want him to have any claim over him. He's not a real father."

          "I'm pretty sure you have full authority who signs it," Chris says looking at Logan. "He's freaking cute."

          "I know. He's perfect," Kendall smiles. "I'm so thankful for you Chris. You were amazing last night."

          "You're the one that pushed a baby out. You're the amazing one."

          "Trust me, it still hurts, but you were so good getting me to the hospital, thinking of Addison and encouraging me last night."

          "Addison was so excited when she saw him," Chris smiles.

          "She's really excited about being a big sister."

          "Well, she's a lucky girl."

          "Well so am I," she winks at him. "I guess things are going to be a bit different now."

           "I don't mind different."


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