Chapter 69: Bundle of Joy

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          In the middle of the night, Kendall feels some pain in her stomach—not thinking much at first. She sits up, sliding her hand on her belly trying not to say anything hoping it goes away. Another pain rips through as she grabs Chris's arm.

         "Chris," shaking him a little, "Chris wake up."

          "Mm, what?" Chris groans, sitting up in the bed.

          "I'm in labor," Kendall gasps. "Get Addison. I need to go to the hospital now."

          Chris shoots up from the bed and waking up instantly he pulls on his clothes from the night before. He grabs her bag that's sitting by her bedroom door and running to Addison's room to wake up the little girl. He comes back in, making sure he has everything.

          "It's okay Chris we can take our time," Kendall stands up, getting dressed. He helps her downstairs carrying Addison, Addison moody from being awakened from her slumber. After getting the two girls in the truck, he tears down the road to the hospital. The whole ride Kendall is trying to be asking where they are going," Kendall trying to keep from crying.

          Pulling up to the hospital, Kendall's mom there when they arrive to retrieve an asleep Addison. Kendall gets in the wheelchair with the help of a few nurses, blowing a kiss to Addison.

          "He's early," Kendall says scared as they wheel her in, automatically taking her back to when she lost the baby.

          "He's gonna be fine," Chris reassures, kissing her forehead.

          They admit her in a room and changed, the nurse asking if pain meds are needed. Kendall nods her head, the nurse walking out.

          The doctor comes in a few minutes later, "this isn't going to take long at all. He's ready to get out," she smiles.

          "Maybe it's true, sex really does help," Kendall laughs, another contraction hits her.

          "They say childbirth is easier after your first kid," he smiles.

          "Oh yeah? They lied," Kendall squeezing her hand.

          Chris smiles and kissing her forehead and putting her hair up for her as the doctor walks in. She notices Chris automatically, the same one that went through their traumatic experience with their lost daughter.

          "It's nice to see you again," the doctor smiles, clearly happy that it's him instead of Kendall's ex.

          "It's nice to see you too."

          "I've been asking Kendall about you especially since she smartened up and got rid of Russ."

          "Yeah I agree with you on that one," Chris winks, holding Kendall's hand as she has another contraction.

          "Just get him out of me," Kendall clenches her jaw.

         "Almost there honey," looking at Kendall. "So are you two going to keep me in business?" she teases.

         "One at a time doc," Chris winks. The doctor giving Kendall the go-ahead to start pushing.

          "Help her keep her breathing Chris," the doctor says.

          Chris focuses on Kendall, helping her as the room is then filled with screams. The doctor handing a squealing baby to Kendall. Kendall's eyes fill with tears, running down her face when she sees her son. They take him and clean him up before hanging him back to Kendall—so in love with him.

          "Want to hold him?" Kendall asks Chris.

          "Yeah sure," Chris smiles as he carefully takes him. "He's beautiful Kendall," leaning down and kissing her forehead.

          "Thank you."

          "I'm gonna go tell your mom," Chris smiles, handing Logan back to Kendall. 

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