Chapter 49: Surprising Phone Call

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           Carefully getting out of the bed, pulling the covers up, he shuts the door and goes downstairs—treating himself to a Budlight. As he's sitting down, his phone rings in his pocket, Kelsey's name coming across the screen.

           "Hello?" Chris asks confused.

           "Hey Chris."

          "Hi," Chris greets again opening the beer.

          "Hun you shouldn't be drinking..." Kelsey sighs. "And yes I heard, and I just wanted to call and say I'm so sorry."

           "Thanks for your concern. How did you find out?"

           "I'm not saying it for your concern. Times like this and drinking do not mix Chris. I'm just saying this because I care about you. I heard from Kendall's friend Sarah. I saw her out the other day, and I told her I wanted to send you all a gift," Kelsey says, hearing Chris sniffle. "It's going to be alright Chris, it will pass and you know I'm here for you, I always was and always will be. I love you so much," Kelsey trying to comfort him.

           "I need to go Kelsey," wiping his eyes.

           "No Chris talk to me. It's not all about Kendall. You need someone too."

          "I just can't believe she is not here," Chris says, his voice catching.

           "Well no parent ever thinks that will happen Chris and I'm sure being in your house where all her stuff is isn't healthy either. You should get out for a bit," Kelsey suggests.

           "I'm not leaving her here by herself. I tried taking her to her place."

           "Chris you need some fresh air, and I'm sure you need to escape her just for a bit. Have some time to think about yourself."

            "That's why I'm downstairs Kelsey. She's upstairs asleep."

            "Okay, that's good. What are you feeling right now? What's going through your mind?" Kelsey asks trying to get Chris to talk.

           "I don't know. I'm not really thinking. Well, I'm thinking why you are calling me, but I don't know. I'm still waiting for it to really hit me."

           "I'm calling you because you need someone to talk to and I want to let you know I'm here for you, and I'm going to be checking on you."

            "Why do you care Kelsey?"

           "Chris we were together for a long time, and although it ended, I want us to be friends still."

          "I'm gonna get off," Chris swallows hard.

           "Chris I'm going to keep checking up on you and call me if you need me."

           "Yeah," Chris says softly hanging up the phone. Just sitting there, he then lays back and turns on the TV—falling asleep a few minutes later. His half-filled beer still on the coffee table. 

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