Chapter 19: Long Time Coming

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          Laying on the couch, all cuddled up watching Netflix, Kendall hears a knock on her door. Sitting up a little and looking over at the clock, it read 11:42. She gets up, confused clad in some cloth shorts, a small t-shirt, her hair in a messy ponytail—ready for bed. She opens the door, Chris, on the other side.

          "Cc-Ch-Chris? What are you doing here?"

          "I don't like it," Chris says stepping into the house, standing in the narrow entry hall.

          "I'm sorry? But what don't you like?" Kendall asks lost.  

          "You and Alex..." Chris steps in and shuts the door behind him.

          Kendall nods looking down, crossing her arms then looks up at him, "Chris you were fine with it this morning. What's changed? You know how we both are."

          "Don't hate me okay?" Chris says.

          "Chris...what? I could never hate you."

           After taking a deep breath, thinking here goes nothing, he slides his hands on Kendall's neck and jaw, leaning down and kissing Kendall softly. Chris a little surprised when Kendall uncrosses her arms and kisses him back.

          "Chris..." Kendall pulls away, and their eyes lock, instinct, want and need taking over as Kendall wraps her arms around his neck and pulling Chris down to kiss her again. They begin to make out, mouths pressed together and tongues meeting each other's—body pressed against body.

          Making their way onto Kendall's couch, both leaning back on it, lips still locked—the pair gets lost in the moment. But, at the same time their minds running in a million directions Kendall wanting to ask what Chris is doing which is obvious. She doesn't want to stop him.

          Kissing her forehead, his hands on her sides underneath her shirt as he pulls away, trying to catch their breaths.

          Kendall looks up into Chris's eyes trying to read him but failing. "Chris do you know what you're doing?" Kendall asks, barely in a whisper.

         Pulling away, Chris sits up, thinking about that question as he proceeds to take off his jacket, then unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off. Chris then leans down, Kendall's and his lips meeting.

           Kendall watches, her eyes running down his. But, as Chris leans down to kiss her, she smiles into the kiss, happy with his answer. She feels him shift her a little, moving to a more comfortable position for both of them, hooking her fingers in his belt loops and gently pulling.

         Chris pulls away smiling, feeling her tug as he looks at her, "so um we've never uh, seen each other naked except for when we were little and being naked was okay," winking at her.

          "I know," Kendall nods. "Want me to close my eyes?" she teases.

          "I'm just saying, things have changed."

          Kendall smiles as they undress, the first time ever being as close and intimate as they are now. Just them and the TV playing softly in the background.

          Kendall looks over at Chris, both a little out of breath, their eyes meet, "Well, um unexpected, but amazing."

          "I'm going to repeat it, I don't like you and Alex together," Chris laughs.

           "I think I got that," Kendall nods.

          Chris chuckles, sliding his hand on her neck and kisses her softly. He then pulls away and looks at her, moving a strand of hair behind her ear, "You look beautiful."

          Kendall holds her hands over her face, groaning a bit, "oh my god I just had sex with my best friend."

          Smiling, "Is your bed comfier than this couch?" Chris asks, turning on his side and sliding his arm around Kendall—kissing her shoulder.

          "A lot comfier," Kendall nods. She gets off the couch and offers her hand to Chris as they walk down the hall to her bedroom.

          Leaving his phone and keys on the table, he follows her. They both climb into the bed.

          "Are you sure you can stay the night?" Kendall asks softly, running her fingers up and down Chris's chest.

          "I mean do you want me to?" 

         "Yeah, I do," biting her lower lip.

          "Then I will. We'll have an adult sleepover," winking at Kendall. "I mean we are best friends."

          "Exactly, it's been years since we had our last sleepover. We were much overdue," Kendall smiles trying to keep a serious face.

          Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead he pulls the covers up, the pair falling asleep.

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