Chapter 74: Where We Belong

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1 Year Later:

        "It definitely feels weird not having Addison and Logan here," Kendall smiles, wrapping her arms around Chris's neck.

          "Yeah it does," he smiles. "Where was Russ taking them today?" he asks. Russ is in the two kids' lives for over a year now. Kendall surprised at the change but also very thankful.

          "The zoo I do believe. So, what should we do with our kid-free day?" Kendall asks.

          "I don't know," Chris shrugs. "You have anything in mind?"

           "You know how I went to the doctor yesterday?"

          Chris nods, pulling Kendall closer to him.

          "Yeah well, we get to repeat history," she smiles.

          "What?" Chris asks confused.

          Kendall laughs, "Chris I'm pregnant."

          "Wait, what?" Chris smiles. "You're what?"

          "We are going to have a baby," Kendall smiles.

          Chris smiles back, leaning in and dipping her low and pressing his lips against hers. "I love you so much," he beams at her, a huge smile across his face.

          "So you're happy?"

          "Of course I am," Chris nods, pulling away. "This might be a good time to do this now then," Chris says reaching into his pocket. "I was gonna wait until tonight."

          "Chris, what are you doing?" Kendall smiles, seeing Chris get down on one knee.

          "Kendall," Chris begins, opening a black box, a three-karat diamond ring inside. "We have been through so much, not just in the past year but for years prior. We have come out stronger every year. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. I promise you. No one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me. Will you make me the happiest man in the whole world and marry me?"

          Kendall is speechless.

          "Kendall?" Chris smiles.

          "Oh my god, are you serious?" she says, blinking back tears. "Yes," she answers, nodding her head and holding out her hand to Chris.

           Smiling, he pulls the ring out of the box then sliding it on her ring finger, the diamond catching the light shining through the window.

          "It fits perfectly!" Kendall shrieks, looking at the beautiful ring. "It's so pretty. How much was it?"

          "Don't worry about it," Chris smiles, wrapping his arms around her. He leans in and kisses her deeply. "This is where I belong, with you. This is where we belong."

          Kendall smiles, "I couldn't agree more," leaning in and kissing him.  

Where We BelongWhere stories live. Discover now