Chapter 47: Support Of Both Moms

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          Both Kendall and Chris's mom come in shortly after, coffee in their hands—seeing Kendall asleep.

           "How are you, honey?" Chris's mom asks.

           "I'm hurting more for Kendall," Chris says quietly and getting out of the hospital bed carefully and covering her up with a blanket, kissing her forehead.

           "Chris it's okay to be upset for yourself too," his mom informs.

          "I mean I am but I'm more in shock, but I'm also more here for her too," nodding over to Kendall.

          "We know that you're here for her and she knows it too," Chris's mom says.

          "Your mom is right Chris, and it's a shock for all of us, and it's going to be hard, but you have us and all of your friends. You both will pull through," Kendall's mom speaks up.

          "She's afraid we're not."

          "Afraid of what baby?" his mom asks.

           "She's afraid we aren't going to get over this," Chris swallows hard. "Or she's afraid she won't be able to get through it."

            "Chris it's hard to see past right now, you both will just take it one day at a time," his mom sighs.

            "Somedays will be better than others but time heals all," Kendall's mom agrees.

           "I can't imagine what she went through or how they got the baby out," Chris says running a hand through his hair.

           "I cannot believe they took so long to let you back here but Chris I promise she doesn't even know. They had her asleep or sedated."

           "Can you guys get me some food?" Chris asks.

            The two women nod, leaving them alone once again. Chris's world falling apart.

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