Chapter 31: True Love Exists

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          Laying on his parent's couch, Kelsey blowing up his phone. He ignores every call and every text. He deletes the messages, seeing "Kendall" amongst the messages. Chris sits up and tosses the remote to his dad.

          "I'm uh...I'm gonna head to Kendall's," pulling on his shoes.

         He gets in his truck and heads to Kendall's, pulling up twelve minutes later. He walks up, hands in his sweatpants pockets, then knocking.

          "Hey, bab...Chris?" Kendall answers. "What are you doing here?" seeing the look on his face. "Oh no, what happened?"

          "It's not mine," Chris says softly. "He's not mine."

          "Chris I'm so sorry," Kendall says, hugging him.

          Wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her neck, his body shaking as Chris erupts into tears. Kendall never hearing him cry before.

          "It's okay babe," Kendall assures, running a hand through his hair as they move to the couch, she tilts his head up, wiping his eyes.

          Chris tries to look away and wipe his eyes himself, sniffling a little. He doesn't speak.

          "No stop," Kendall says grabbing his hand and moving her other hand to his face. She then pulls him in for another hug, kissing his cheek. "You know it's not your fault for anything. You would have been an amazing dad," Kendall says against his neck. "She should have told you a long time ago if she had any doubts."

          "She should have told me she was cheating on me," Chris says against her neck.

          "I know she should of," Kendall nods, holding him tighter. She sees Alex, shaking her head.

          "What's going on here?" Alex demands.

          Kendall sighs, "Alex, can you go? We can do dinner tomorrow or in a couple of days."

          "What? No, we had this planned. What the hell is going on?" demanding again.

          "My kid is not mine man okay!" Chris shouts. "So can you have a little sympathy right now?"

           "Shit man," Alex says, a surprised expression on his face.

          "Alex it was just dinner. We always do dinner, and I want to be with Chris so go," Kendall sighs.

          "Why don't you just be together because all you guys do is spend time together."

         "Alex this isn't the time," Kendall says sternly.

         "Just admit it, Kendall, it was always going to be him," Alex says. Kendall getting off the couch.

         "Fine, it's true. It always will be him okay!"

          Alex shakes his head in disbelief. He storms out.

          "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here," Chris sighs, seeing the mess he caused.

          "Chris no, I want you here and where else do you have to go?" Kendall smiles a bit at him. "We all kind of knew it wasn't going to last with Alex."

           Chris can't help but smile a little as he leans down and kisses Kendall softly on the lips, sliding one hand where her neck and jaw meet. He gives her a couple more pecks, then pulling away and running a hand through his hair.

          "I knew it," Chris says softly.

          "I know you did, but you did the right thing of being there for her instead of questioning it," Kendall praises and pulls him back to the couch.

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