Good Life.

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I glanced out over the edge. I was pretty far up, and had four choices.

1. Jump over the edge.

2. Cut myself with the knife I had.

3. Call for help on my phone.

4. Get down using the unstable rope ladder.

I came up here for one reason. So three and four were out. I sure as hell wasn't going to back down. I had to be strong, even though I was so weak. No one was here this late, and that was how it needed to be. I left a note on the door of all my friends houses. It explained what I was doing and why. My phone binged as I poured myself a drink to calm down. I picked it up.

Toriel, she had texted me goodnight earlier. Five hours ago. At seven.

I had my phone off all day, and I had stayed alone so no one could speak with me. She would be broken.

Another bing.

Undyne, asking if I was still coming over to cook with her for Alphys. Four hours ago. At eight.

I shook my head sadly. I wouldn't be there, and I never would be. She would help bury me.

Another bing.

Papyrus, saying he wanted to do a puzzle marathon in a few days. Thirteen hours ago. At ten.

He would cry for days, I bet. He would still believe that I could have done better.

Another bing.

Mettaton, saying he wanted to have me on his show for a special Truth Or Dare segment. Eleven hours ago. At noon.

My secret is out. I have no more to confess. He would probably lock himself away for weeks.

Another bing.

Alphys, asking if I wanted to stay after dinner for an anime series binge. Nine hours ago. At two.

She would have to watch at the funeral. She wouldn't want to watch anime for a few days, most likely.

Another bing.

Asgore, saying he had a pretty flower to show me soon. Fifteen hours ago. At eight.

He would plant flowers on my grave, crying as another child died.

Another bing.

Temmie, thanking me again for paying her college fee. Six hours ago. At six.

Last present, so she could remember me better. She would eulogize, speaking about me.

Another bing.

Flowey, saying he wished me to get hurt. Ten hours ago. At one.

Nice. He usually wishes me to die. Guess he's warming up to me. He would be mad at me.

Another bing.

Sans, saying I shouldn't do anything and that he was coming over to me. Ten seconds ago. At midnight.

Here? I had to act fast. He would try to stop me. I know it. I slugged down my drink and stood at the edge. Bleeding would take to long. This was quick enough. I turned to the stars.

"Good night, life."

"Kid. You better step away."

I turned around, unsurprised. I knew he would show up soon.

"Sans...don't make this hard. Let me jump."



"Jump. You can jump. I'll lean over and watch as you fall, and you get to see me cry. You can think about how everyone will react. How hurt they'll be. As you toss your life in the garbage. But you might not get to reset."

"I already know what they'll do. I thought about it. And I don't want to reset, Sans. I can be happy dead. No more pain, or bullies, or worries."

"But everyone one else will have pains and worries. Think about Papyrus. Think about Tori."


"No. You want someone to see. To help."

"Sans, for years I have felt this way. A week ago, at my birthday party? I wished to be dead. You clapped and didn't know it,"

"But you can get better."

"Can I?"

He paused. I turned. I whispered to him that I love him. He said he knows.

I jumped. I yelled out,

"I'm sorry! It's to late!"

But then I was surrounded by warm blue light. It caressed me, far from the edge and close to the ground. I knew he would do this. Sans lifted me up and held me, pulling me down. We laid on the ground like that, leaning into his warm chest. He put his jacket around me. He kissed my head.

When we woke up, it was still dark.

He smiled at me, tears in his eyes. I returned the look. We stood up, holding hands, a silent agreement rotate down all my notes. I didn't know how he knew to save me. But before we left, I turned to the stars.

"Good morning, life."

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