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I am super proud of this! Oh my god i love it!

I opened my eyes, still kinda tired, but it's the damn morning and I am a person who has stuff to do. So I got out of bed.

I moved over to the closet, full of sweaters, shirts, dresses, skirts, jeans, shorts, you name it. I took off my pajamas and changed into (whatever you want) and went to brush my hair. After leaving it reasonably nice, I set my (comb, brush) down normally. I put on my (cosmetics of any sort/ or ignore this part)and brushed my teeth.

After eating and doing whatever the hell you do in your free time, I (went to/stood on my) (my/family members/friends) (whatever mode of transportation) and went to the place where I (learned/worked/hung out).

It was an average (ride/walk) there, and I saw nothing special. I arrived at where I (worked/learned/hung out) and got out of (my/family members/friends) (mode of transportation), and went into the (building/public lot/private lot). After getting to my (office/class/area), I got ready for an average day of (whatever). I started to (do whatever you do), for (amount of time).

-time skip-

I finished up what I was doing. It took another few minutes, and I moved normally to the (door/gate/exit area) After another casual (ride/walk) home, I went into the residential area where I stayed. I went to my room, and did whatever I did after (work/school/whatever). Later I would eat dinner and do (the same thing/something else). Then I would (go to sleep/lie awake/chill out) and exist tomorrow.

Because all I was doing was existing.


*Two unrelated bonus stories!

I glanced at her from the side of my eye. A new girl, a meister. Powerful one, too. She wore her usual outfit of black leggings, black heeled boots, a black shirt with a lace scarf tucked into her fluffy sweater, under her coat. I watch as she closed her book. When the bell rang seconds later, she stood quickly but gracefully, long black coat swirling around her.

I followed her in the hall, listening to her boot clicks. Loud and sharp, they led me to my fathers office. She glanced behind her and ran in, not catching me. I jumped out of my hiding spot and followed her to a room behind the window my dad used to communicate.

Mesmerized by what I saw, I couldn't move away. They way she played piano was so perfect, hands shifting quickly and making such a sweet song. The lyrics were full of anguish, and seemed right for her scratchy voice. Before I could walk out, she turned to me.

"How was it?"


She slammed her fist on the table, anger written all over her face.

"How did I even fall for an ugly, fake jerk like you?"

I pointed at her, a serious look on my features.

"Hey, that's the personality's doing."

She paused for a moment, before bursting out laughing and pulling me into a hug.

"Sorry, love."

I grinned and grabbed her closer.

"It's okay."

And now, as I kneeled by her dead body, I said it again.

"It's okay."

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