A Day In The Life... :D

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Sans was sitting on his couch. Some dumb show was playing, he wasn't paying much attention. He wondered if he should stay here and take a nap, go visit Toriel or go to Grillby's.

All of them.

After a short sleep, he walked into town, stepped into the cozy restaurant and took a seat.

"Hey Grillbs, can I get some ketchup and fries?"

The fire guy nodded, and a few minutes later warm food was in front of the skele. He drank his ketchup and put the price on his tab.

The skeleton left to go see goat mom.


Toriel was reading a book about snails. She found it fascinating, and her pie was cooling. She decided to see if Sans was downstairs.

Knock knock.

She giggled.

"Who's there?"


"Etch who?"


"Haha! That was a good one!"

The two told each other jokes, until Toriel realized her pie must be cold.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I must go, I'll speak with you later!" In reality, she was planning on going outside The Ruins, bringing her adopted child with her.

"Bye. I gotta go check on my bro anyways."

The goat mom went to warm up her pie.


Papyrus was wondering what he should bring to his friend Undyne's house. He was going over for training.


He tapped his chin.


Papyrus walked out the door, supplies in hand. He skipped down to Undyne's, only to find her locking her door.

"Sorry Papyrus. Goin' to Alphys' house. We can come visit ya later."


And the skeleton ran home.


Undyne walked into Alphys' lab, smiling at the sounds of her anime shows. She brought some soda, and she smelled ramen.


"O-Oh! Hello, uh, Undyne. Um, y-you, can, uh, sit down."

The fish lady plopped by ther cute reptile and settled in. She laughed, talked, and questioned Alphys about the shows that were on.

"W-Well, uh, she's dressed l-like a boy b-because she b-broke a v-vase, so she has t-to, uh, pay f-for it."

"Oooooh. I get it!"

It was mid-afternoon when the two decided Undyne needed to train.



The fish woman ran home to finish her training.


Alphys was fixing Mettaton's gyroscope when she remembered Undyne asked her to go over to her house around dark. She sent the robot on his way to get ready and turned off some lights.

"We're, uh, g-going to U-Undyne's house."

"Oh, alright."

She fixed her coat and switched off the last lamp.

"Come on, M-Mettaton. We don't w-want to be l-late."

The reptile felt the air change when she entered Waterfall.


Mettaton was bored. Undyne's house was so... Ugh!

So when she announced they were going the skeleton brother's house, he perked up.

Undyne was seeking glances at Alphys as she moved along. Mettaton noticed and chuckled to himself.

When they arrived at the snowy town, he ran up to the door and knocked.


The robot went inside.


(Y/n) was approaching a small house in a snowy town. (She/he/they) held Flowey in a purple pot, with a nice white bow around it. (She/he/they) (was/were) excited to be out of The Ruins. Snow was something (y/n) had missed. Now (She/he/they) (was/were) seeing it right in front of (her/him/them)!

When Toriel pulled (her/him/them) into a nice house, (y/n) was smiling. There was a robot, a short and a tall skeleton, a fish lady, a dinosaur woman, and a cute dog-cat thing.

The human was happy.

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