The Roles...They Be Switched

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*u and Papsicle r Female and Sansypoo is male and hooman. Ur name is Sansy and Papyrus be naem Papyrus but call Papy reel sans is be Sam but in reel lif u be wearin shorts not skirt n tis kinda like grl sans x hooman sans but whavetr 👍

The human laughed at his pun. I smirked and watched as Papy handed him some spaghetti. They didn't know I was home, and this reset the human had met her first. The human shoved some food in his mouth and asked if Papy had any family.

"OH YES, HUMAN. I HAVE A LAZYBONES SISTER. HER NAME IS SANSY." Papy yelled, voice shaking the plate a bit.

"Cool. Can I meet her?"


"yeah sis. I'm here."

She turned and ran at me, catching me in a hug. I laughed and patted her back. She was always happy to see me. The guy in the kitchen looked at me, eyebrow raised. I saw his eyes shine for a moment. Papy put me down.

"nice to meet ya, kid. shake my hand, pal."

I extended my hand to him, a mischievous smile on both our faces. As our hands met, two squelchs came from two pockets. Two voices rang out in laughter. He wiped his eyes and checked me out as I did the same.

"cute." I said aloud.

"Huh?" He wondered.

"I said you're cute, buddy. names Sansy."

"I'm Sam. Nice name."

I winked at him. He winked back. Papy squealed and clapped her hands.


"guess we would get an A in that class."

-monfs latr-

Sam stood there, and I was shocked. Papy was off at a friends for a sleepover.

He wanted to sing with me?


He grabbed my boney hand (get it) and pulled me to the stage. I blushed a deep blue and grabbed a microphone. He yelled to the song guy to start up Glad You Came. Our song.

Friend-song. We aren't a couple.

He started.

"The sun goes down

The stars come out

And all that counts

Is here and now

My universe will never be the same

I'm glad you came...

You cast a spell on me, spell on me

You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me

WAnd I decided you look well on me, well on me

So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now

Now I'll take you by the hand

Hand you another drink

Drink it if you can

Can you spend a little time,

Time is slipping away away from us so stay,

Stay with me I can make,

Make you glad you came."

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