Fine Poetry, Skotch, And My Good Friend Sans Here.

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You had your head down on the table, a bottle by you with some music.

You were also, fun fact, singing along rather terribly and giggling as you drank.

So you were drunk.

The door opened and in walked a short skeleton and a fish lady.

You spun to face them, laughing.

"Hey guyssss! Wot's up?"

"You okay punk?"

"dear lord that is a lot of liquor."

You sat back down and laughed out loud, until you were hit with a headache suddenly and you laid your forehead on the surface of your table.

It was a nice table.

Sans came over and took the bottle, putting it up.

Undyne sat down and started talking.

"Uh, you okay? Seem kinda... Drunk."

"Will, well, duh. I'm, I'm uh... Tored? Tierd? Ti... Screw it."

Sans discovered your ten empty bottles.


You slammed your hand on the table.


You dragged yourself over to Undyne and laid your head in her lap.

"Uuuunnnnddddyyyynnnnnneeeeee. Carry me to bid. Baed. B...ed? Bed?"

She laughed and took you to your room.

You faked sleeping.

You heard her walk out and faint sounds came from the kitchen.

You closed your eyes, and moments later Undyne came back in.

She took off her boots and got into bed with you.

You mewled and snuggled up to her.

And Sans was figuring out where you got all this booze from.

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