Human World

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*you are a monster meeting everyone else as humans. tell me if I should continue this.

You shoved your paws into the pockets of your pants. Today was cold, and you didn't want to be outside. But your friend wanted you to be at this party to meet her human friends. It seemed ridiculous to you. At least there would be free drinks.

When you opened the door a flash of light blinded you and the yells of people made you cringe. A smiling human handed you a Poloroid and ran off. You grumbled and made your way to the food table. After shoving chips in your mouth a loud voice called out for karaoke. A tall human, wearing a black tank top, leggings, pink shorts with a matching pink over tank stepped on stage. A pink heart was on their belly and big pink boots. It seemed to be a boy with black hair hanging in his face.


He struck a flirty pose and ran off the stage, cheers flowing after him. He ran to a taller boy, who was wearing blue pants with yellow trim, a white, yellow tipped shirt and a red scarf. They held hands and laughed about something a shorter, pale boy said. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants.

You glanced over at more humans, this time a tall blonde wearing a purple dress. She was chatting with a tall man who had a blue shirt on, dark blue pants and a blonde beard. Next to them, dancing, was a short man who had on a yellow and green striped shirt with green pants. They had bright yellow hair, with green streak and brown boots.

You turned to the door, walking towards it when your friend Tigerlily pulled you away.

"Damn rude of you to leave so early." She whispered to you, brown hair up in a bun, orange skin dotted with brown spots. Petals matching her skin grew on her head like a crown and her black dress was nice. She was such a gorgeous flower person. And an angry one.

"God, sorry." You said, rolling your eyes and huffing. No one wanted to talk so you figured you would just leave before you got bored.

"It's fine, just get to know some damn people. Here, meet my friend Undyne." She said, dragging you to a tan woman. She had red hair, an eyepatch, and a simple, outfit of a black tank top with jeans. She was dancing with a short strawberry blonde, who had on large glasses and a lab coat dress.

"Hi!" She yelled, twisting and turning. You gave a halfhearted smile and waved. Her friend nodded to you.

"H-h-hello. I'm Alphis, her girlfriend. N-n-nice to m-meet you." She stammered, clearly nervous.

"Great, can I go get drunk now?" You asked, tired. Normally you didn't drink but tonight you needed to get away. Undyne laughed as Tigerlily gave you a bored look, waving her hand. You smiled and ran off.

The boy in pink from before was standing near the food, handing a cupcake to the boy he was with. The boy saw you and waved.

"HELLO!" He called. Pretty loud for and indoor party.

"I AM PATRICK! THIS IS MY FRIEND METTATON!" He shouted, waving at you so energeticallyyou thought he would hurt his arm.

"Nice to meet you. I'm (y/n). And this is my friend I-don't-know." I said, putting my arm around the guy in the yellow and green sweater with the yellow hair. He tried to get away but I tightened my grip on his shoulder.

"I don't like you, you ugly idiot!" He said to me, Patrick and Mettaton laughing as I made a crazy sign.

"Sorry to hear that, Flowey." I laughed.

"My name is ASRIEL!" He yelled, and got away from my grip. I shook my head and turned back to Patrick and Mettaton. They smiled at me and went off to dance.


I shoved my fifth cupcake in my mouth and opened a second beer. After swallowing I heard a deep voice behind me. Taking a drink, I turned around.

"Nice eating. Seems you can pack away the carbs." He said. It was a cute, short guy wearing a blue hoodie and black basketball shorts. I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him.

"I've been known to win at eating contests before." I giggled, shaking my head a bit. He moved closer and reached out his hand. I tilted my head.

"What, ya don't know how to great a new pal? Shake my hand, buddy." He smirked, showing perfect white teeth. I shrugged and grasped his hand, hearing a sound. He shook with laughter, and I remained unamused.

"Tough nut to crack, huh? Don't worry. You have to laugh sometime. I'm Sam, by the way." He drawled as we walked to a table. I set down my beer and asked to dance. He seemed surprised.

We headed out to the dance floor and stood there, chatting as the first song finished. Before the next one started, I screamed out a request: Blackout (link- copy and paste into search engine)

When the first few words started, Sam and I broke out moves that would make pro dancers cry with jealousy. We mingled perfectly and were in sync. A crowd gathered, and Tigerlily, Undyne, Alphis, Patrick, and Mettaton formed as out background dancers. Stepping up and down, twisting, dropping, moving quickly and holding on to each other at the right times, as if we had done this so many times before. I noticed one of his eyes was brown and the other was blue. I smiled and kept moving. The crowd clapped and sang along. Sam and I stepped over each other's feet expertly, singing softly.

Hands were flipped and winks exchanged. The two of us forgot that we had just met and danced as if we would be murdered if we didn't.

Then the song ended. It was completely quiet for a minute, as Sam and I caught our breath. Then applause broke out, and we smiled.

This party was actually pretty cool.

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