When I Tried

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Glancing at Papyrus in the corner of my eye, I smiled. It was such a bitter smile, knowing he only saw me as a friend, thinking I only him as a friend. He sat on a chair, watching TV with a happy smile on his face. I didn't feel to good today, ad he wanted to make me feel better.

He brought over spaghetti, unaware his presence perked me up. About a month ago I had given up trying to get his affection, knowing it was hopeless. What kind of idiot thought friendship could be something more? Papyrus wasn't the kind to hide how he felt, and I knew it.

Standing up and stretching my arms, Pap looked at me. He had a worried smile, as if standing would make me worse. Grinning at him, an empty grin, I walked to my bathroom and sat on the floor. A few tears came out, warm and comforting, assuring me I can still feel sadness. Lately I had been void of an emotion, except when I saw Papyrus give me a genuine smile. My phone played a trombone sound. Pressing the talk button I put it on speaker.

"What do you want, Sans?" I asked, holding my head up with one hand.

"the truth." He said, voice slightly deeper from the phone,

"What truth?" I wondered, trying to sound happy, and play it dumb.

"ya like Pap or not?"

"Why does it matter?" I sighed, tired of this subject.

"it's no secret you've been pretty bad lately, and no other friends seem to notice how you perk up around Papyrus." Sans put emphasis on friends.

"Yeah, I do. So what?"

"how exactly do you feel?" He sounded happy, like this was some prank.

"Oh, um... Well, the enthusiasm and belief he puts into everybody makes me smile, and I want to be tha cause of that smile. I want to open my eyes and see him there, holding up a plate of spaghetti or sleeping on his side, in that cute way every morning. Papyrus just brightens up my day, and even on my worst days a simple text from him makes it better. He just, just...he makes me so..." Here I paused, looking for the right word.

"Happy." I whispered, loud enough for Sans to hear.

At this he started laughing a bit, as if he was happy for me. When he stopped, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"it's great to hear you talk about Pap. your voice gets so inspired, so happy. how he doesn't know you feel this way, damn. it's a mystery to me." The once somber tone he had was gone, replaced with a happy one.

"A mystery. Yeah, I guess. More like reality." Said the tired old me, sick of the skeleton brothers shit.

"why don't you tell him? seeing your face light up when you talk to him, distracts me from how I feel."

"How you feel? And anyway, he wouldn't say anything but he doesn't feel the same way. You know that." I told him, shaking my head.

Before he could say anything, I kept talking.

"He didn't even notice when I tried."

And I hung up. Putting my phone back in my pocket, washing my hands, I opened the door. A laugh came from my living room, something funny had happened. I flopped onto my couch and listened to whatever show Papyrus was watching, falling asleep to his joyful laughter.

And just before I fell asleep, I swear I heard him whisper something to me.

"You make me happy too, (y/n)."

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