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*first off-


Shakespeare had always been your favorite. Favorite everything. Author, historical figure, human! He was awesome.

So you joined the school Shakespeare club, or it's formal name; "The Upper School's Association for Shakespeare Fans".

Prickish, right?

But you joined anyway, and learned the name was ironic.

(So was the club, started by some blonde guy who claimed to have been a 'god of time')

It was pretty fun, with meetings whenever everyone was free and cool friends to be made.

(Along with that blonde guy who claimed to have been a 'god of time')

And there were hella yummy snacks. We talking Doritos, pretzels, chips, bread, a goddammed cake.

Awesome, right?

So you made new friends, ate bitchin' food, even learned more about Shakespeare. It interested you to no end, and this club was where you were meant to be.

Until there was a huge fight.

Over Romeo and Juliet.

(The blonde guy who claimed to have been a 'god of time' stayed neutral and claimed this was kinda funny)

You were on the (side, photo below) team. I mean, look at all the clear points when the real meaning was shown! The other jerks had no idea what they were talking about. Your perfect club turned into debate central, all of you aboard.

Each opposing group took a side.

But then, one day as you poured some juice into a cup, your eye caught someone from the nearby table.










You looked at them, sitting there with a mostly blank expression (like blonde guy who claimed to have been a 'god of time'), mild anger showing. Shoulder-length, shaggy brown hair and tan skin. A cool sweater that looked like it belonged in the 90's. Nice jeans. Not very different. Nothing special.

And you were in love.

You waved a bit when they looked over. The person tilted their head, then smiled a bit. They waved back.

But between this waving interaction, you both realized something vital.

You were on opposite sides.


The next day, you were walking in the left wing hallway when someone tapped you.

"Huh?" You asked, turning.

It was them, the person from Debate, Shakespeare Style.

You smiled a bit, then bit your lip to stop.

"Hey, it's okay. We're allowed to talk. Right?" They asked in a voice that made you smile again.

"Yeah, I guess." You laughed.

Buuuuut people got kinda crazy over the whole thing, setting up fights and calling people out.


"I'm Frisk."

"I'm (Y/N)."


Everyday from then on, you and Frisk spoke quietly at times when you were alone and made eye contact at Shakespeare-Club-Turned-Debate-Club.

It's obvious you guys are dating now, right? You love them. They love you.

But a few weeks later, you were smiling at them when someone from your side noticed.

"What are you doing?"


"Who're you looking at?"

"Oh, um, just... Just no one."

"Just no one?"

"Hey Frisk, why you lookin' over there?"

You exchanged worried glances.

And everyone gathered around you two.

"is this ironic or what." whispered the blonde guy who claimed to have been a 'god of time' to himself.


You and Frisk were meeting behind school, a warm spring night. You hugged them, asked why everyone got so mean over that shit.

"I don't know." They replied.


You and Frisk separated. But you started crying whenever anything reminded you of them, and Frisk (unknown to you) was doing the same.

But the huge angry fight continued, until you both went to the club one day.

Everyone say peacefully in a circle, close to each other.



You looked at Frisk, Frisk looked at you, and you both started crying.

Everyone pushed you together and apologized, saying they were sorry, God did they want you two happy.

So the club went back to normal, and you and Frisk stayed together. The blonde guy who claimed to have been a 'god of time' was even breaking his stoic face to have fun.

Until someone mentioned what they thought Shakespeare's greatest work was.

Until someone mentioned what they thought Shakespeare's greatest work was

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