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*I don't know if I gave you all a Christmas special but here

Music was playing, all through the the house.

All the creatures were chilling, even that mouse.

When suddenly, BAM! (Y/n) burst in,

Saying out many Merry Chritsmases.

I kicked down the door, and as everyone looked over I held up my gifts and screamed, "MERRY CHRISTMAS BITCHES!"

Everyone clapped and laughed, trying to grab my present bag. I waved my finger at the monsters.

"Mama needs her drink first, then presents." I was quite famous for bringing gifts to holiday parties and winning drinking contests. Soon enough I would be slamming down vodka with many a friend. I headed over to the kitchen, passing by a kid with white stripes in half of his hair, and grabbed a bottle.

Dancing my way into the living room, I sang out for everyone to gather around for presents. A swarm of friends crowded around, and I handed them all gifts. I was smiling, laughing, until I came down to the last present, tiny, wrapped in shining orange paper with red and blue ribbons. The name on the tag rose into the air, light and ugly, drowning out sound with static and shouting the word.


I grabbed the box and stood, walking over to where Sans sat on the stairs. He turned to me, a hollow look to his eyes and a forced smile. I gave a watery grin and sat down next to him.

"Papyrus...loved Christmas."

"yeah. he did, always making special spaghetti for us. my gift was always wrapped in blue."

I moved to face him, and held up the gift.

"I bought him this. I need to see him."

He stood, giving me a hand. We went out the door and walked over to the hospital, where Pap laid in a coma. He was slowly dying, and didn't have long. They estimated a year, and next Christmas...

Sans fell into a chair, blue tears working onto his face. He put his hand near Papyrus', and put his head on the mattress.

I cried silently and put the gift near his foot, and left it unopened. I sat next to Sans, and rested my head in my hands. I felt his arm hold me close, and felt him shaking. We stuck together, getting even closer after his accident. He lost a brother, I lost a love. Almost everyone thought we were a couple, but we both knew that would never happen. He and I reminded each other of all the times we went to movies and had dinner with Papyrus.

After a few hours of sitting in the blank room, Sans said it was time to go. I nodded and grabbed his sleeve, him leading me out. I took one last glance at the present, never to be opened. I was the only one who knew, or would ever know what was.

A ring.

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