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You opened your eyes.

And there, across the room, hanging up the phone, was the person you had been married to for five years.


"Augh. Who were you talking to?"

"A lawyer." They said, walking to the kitchen and bringing back a suitcase.

"Going on another trip for work?"


You were confused. What?

Then it dawned on you.

"Are you leaving?"

Your voice was thick already and you sounded as if you were about to cry, which you were.

"Yes. I was asking the lawyer about divorce."

You stood, legs shaky.

"W-Why so sudden?"

"I've decided we don't work. I thought I was making that clear?"

"You n-never said anything."

"Oh. My mistake, then."

You walked over near them.

"Are you just going to... Go? And leave me alone like when we met?"

"Yes. That is exactly what I'm doing."

You fell, onto your knees. Tears slowly working out of your eyes.

"Chara, p-please don't go."

"You want to stay in a horrible marriage?"

Then you lost it.

"Horrible marriage? I love you! I always have! I suppose working hard to keep everyone happy in my life is horrible, and wanting you to stay is horrible, and losing you so suddenly is fine? Remember when you met me and I was broke, living on the street? I told you my life story. I told you I had been kicked out of my family after they found out I was dating someone, while my younger sister got pregnant at fifteen! They threw me out with just a few bucks in my wallet and a hoodie, and I lost my job when they found out I stole a little food. Remember? I've been left behind my entire life, and you're just... GOING?"

You were crying, and they looked at you.


Chara picked up their bag and opened the door, casting a cold look over their shoulder.

"Add me to that list."

And you were left with a door slamming.

Silent realization.

And a single, echoing scream.

*guys, you keep asking and no. There is no part two. Sorry.

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