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You exited the con room with a weapon to keep yourself safe. Roamers were all around this room, and your group was gone.

A scream came from somewhere to your left, and you were there before you knew it. It was a young monster, goat-looking. You pulled out your weapon and staring killing off the Bitten hoard, a few of what seemed to be his group getting rid of the ones behind you.

After the Bitten crowd was laying at the feet of your fellow survivors, you turned to face the boy, blood spattered on your face and hair held back with sweat.


"Uh, hi."

You look at the group behind him, and nodded. They smiled at you, thanking you for helping.

"Ah, no big deal. Just wanna protect my fellow players."

"Yeah. How long have you been here?" Asked a nice looking kid, around your and the goat-boy's age.

"Man, just left a con room."

"Woah, really?"

Con rooms are training areas for pros. Only those who now how to reck the Bitten are allowed in, and you have to fight a guardbot to even get inside. It's there to sharpen skills, and while it may seem pointless to have a fighting room when you have to survive anyway, but it gave you supplies if your survived.

"Yeah. Uh, you guys gonna be okay?"

"Yes. Do you wanna come with us to a safe ground?" asked the goat-boy.

You looked at him, smiling.

"Nah. More people need my help."

You handed him your identification info, and told him to contact you before walking away with your weapon, not looking back with wind blowing your hair (or ignore that) back like a badass.

You reached a door and opened it, pixels dissolving revealing a SAVE on the screen.

Pulling off your helmet, you smiled and put it down.

"Nice simulation."

Asriel smiled.


A knock came from the door, and you heard shouts and codes from outside.

"Hey, c'mon. We gotta get to the Core."

And you pushed him before you, glancing at the blinking OVERRIDE button.

"No. I'm not going back to reality."

And you ran off to your next room.

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