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"What? Why is Papyrus singing on Mettaton's show?"

You laughed a bit, humming along to the tune. You switched the channel, only to see a news report. So you went back to the MTT show. As the skeleton finished his song, a loud slam came from your door.

It was Author-Chan! She was breathing heavily, hanging her head and gasping.

"Just... Hold on, I'm fine..."

She lifted her head and smiled at you.

"Hey! I need to use your bathroom, cool?"

"Huh?" You stood, walking over. But she had run upstairs and closed the door.

"Oh well."

You sat back down, watching the show and listening to some interview. Boring. But Mettaton was asking some weird questions.

Author-Chan fell onto your couch, stretching out her arms and watching the television.

"This show is booorrrriinnngg. Wanna watch something else?"



Your phone rang, and you answered.


"Hey (y/n). Wanna come over and hang out?" Sans asked. You replied with a sure, why the hell not.

You pulled on your jacket and walked to the door.

"Hey! Don't leave me behind! I'll end the book!" Whined Author-Chan, reaching her pale hands out to you.

"Whoa, chill. You can come with me." She bounced up and followed you outside. You arrived at the skelebro's house.

"Hi (y/n). And, uh, Author-Chan."

"Heeeeey Sans. 'Sup?" She asked, leaning on his doorframe.

"Sans, don't mind her. She followed me."

You relaxed with the skele, his arm around you as the both of you watched a movie. It was super romantic.

But AW was resting her head on your arm. Giving Sans the evil eye.

Everyone knew she liked you. But you were with Sans.

"This sucks. I'm getting chocolate."

"Bye Author-Chan."

"Later AW."

She walked out, still glaring at your bony boyfriend. You shrugged at her and laid your head back down.

But then she poked her head back and yelled out to you.

"Sans hates the color (f/c)!"

She ran away.

You stuck your tongue out at him and giggled.

AW was watching you two in a non-weird way. Maybe a bit creepy.

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