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You were sitting in your living room, watching the sun set. You decided music was in order, as it was dark and you wanted to dance. You pulled out your phone and selected a great song.

I Know I'm A Wolf.

As the piano started up, you stood and walked around slowly. A picture of a short skeleton was on a table, and when the words started you sung to it.

"Dear rabbit,

My legs are getting weak chasing you.

The snow fields,

Wouldn't seem so big if you knew,

That this blood on my teeth it is far beyond dry."

You reached out to the photo, smiling.

"And I've captured you once,

But I wasn't quite right."

Your eyes went red for a second.

"So I'm telling you,

That you'll be safe with me."

You twirled about, singing along and jumping. When the words came back, you looked at the picture.

"Rabbit, my claws are dull now so don't be afraid."

You motioned to your knives locked up in your kitchen.

"I could keep you warm,

As long as you can just try to be brave."

You held your arms to your chest and titled your head, smiling.

"Yes I know I'm a wolf,

And I've been known to bite.

But the rest of my pack,

I have left them behind."

You pointed up at the mountain above.

"And my teeth may be sharp,

And I've been raised to kill."

You looked upset, knowing it was true.

"But the thought of fresh meat,

It is making me ill."

You spun until you were in front of the picture, the skeleton grinning on paper. You held your hand out, as if asking for a dance.

"So I'm telling you,

That you'll be safe with...

Your hand dropped and your eyes glinted red. The demon was here. Your body grinned wildly and moved in jerky dance moves, robotic and rusty. You gained control again, and fell on the couch, terribly scared. You sung out loud, though.


You went back to the picture and looked at it.

"So rabbit,

Please stop looking the other way.

It's cold out there,

So why not stay here,

Under my tail."

You laid on the floor, crying from the demon inside you and the fact that the skele you loved hated you because of past timelines. This was your first reset as a pacifist.

You guessed it would be your last.

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