The Hottie ;)

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I slugged down another drink and put the bottle next to me lazily. I turned to Grillby and smiled.

"Grillbs, anyone ever told you how hot you are?"

He sighed.

"Gr-ri-ll-byyyyyyyyyyy have I told're SMOKIN'?"

He shook his head with what would be a smile.

"Grillby have you heard that you are on fire tonight?"

He laughed.

"Has anyone told you he's a freak?"

Some guy yelled from outside. He was blond, tall and muscular. I turned and raised my arms, responding.

"Has anyone told you that you're ugly as shit?"

He walked in and pushed me a bit.

"Shut your mouth."

He got ready to hit me. I tilted my head as a punch landed on my cheek. At this, I stood up, grabbed my bottle, and smashed against the counter and held up the sharp ends.

"I can cut yours."

He backed up and pulled out a pocket knife. Before I could go for his arm, Grillby had (somehow) pushed him away. There was a slight bruise on his arm, and the guy flipped us off and ran out. I screamed curses as he left, and Grillby took me into the back room.

I kissed him, shouted a yeah, and ran home.

Actually I ended up sleeping at Undyne's shed.

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