Alright. You deserve it.

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You held the delicious (flavor) pudding above Chara's head.

"No! It's mine!" You screeched, jumping away with the lovely treat.

"But I've been good for three months!" They whined.

"You tried to stab me over pudding!"

Chara groaned and flopped on the couch.

"Please?" Chara asked, voice muffled from the cushions they had slammed into.


They waited a second.

"I love you."

You blushed and sighed, walking over.

"Fiiiiine. You deserve it."


*hey kid.

*so, you tried to stab (y/n)?


*you better stay away from that knife, 'buddy.'


Um, author here.


Do you want a voice thing? I feel like singing.

Haha, reply.


"Chara, you little bitch."


"Where did my cookies go?"

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