Don't Touch The Blade

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*okay aufwer note here I want 2 kno if u ppl wants me 2 fix any chapterz if tehy sux n I need idea k thxxdjdridj + this might gate dark ;) :?

The room was pitch black. We were quiet except for occasional shuffles or a sniffle. No one wanted to be heard so they would come in. Then, footsteps were heard and the lights flicked on. I looked up, at Toriel, Papyrus, and Alphys tied to chairs. Mettaton was in a locked closet, with a tiny window. Sans was held in some mini room. Undyne was dangling from the ceiling, tied up and shouting curses now.

What was I in? I was in a large metal chair, with locks around my ankles, wrists, upper arms, stoumach and neck. The reason I was tied like this was because I was one of the strongest here. At least the angriest.


Undyne, Papyrus, Sans and I are the only ones in our group they hadn't taken.

But...just now...our house lights flickered. Someone came in.

A loud clang was heard. Papyrus was knocked out, we went nuts. Sans is trying to locate who did it while smashing things by their heads. Undyne's struggling with some shadowy guy.

Oh carp. They have Sans. God. I have to help Undyne! I started fighting with her, but...

Undyne. I'm still standing, ready to grab a knife and fight. The two people came closer and it all fell apart there.

End Flashback

A small shriek erupted from Toriel as she saw the face. It'

Frisk. Chara. Flowey.

Sans was banging on the wall, yelling. Papyrus asked Frisk what they were doing here. Frisk only shook their head.

I watched in horror as Chara grabbed Alphys and held their knife by her neck. Undyne screamed and Toriel shut her wet eyes. Alphys whimpered and Chara backed up. They stepped over to me, a taunting smirk on that hideous face.

"You know, you can join us."

I looked up, the metal scratching me. I could...what?

"You are strong, and determined. Help us kill these useless things."

I saw an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I was the strongest here. I could do this. I nodded, Flowey unlocking me. I could feel the betrayal and hate in everyone's glares. They didn't think I would do this. Silence was ringing in my ears, killing me inside.


One voice rang out. It broke me to hear this. I turned to Alphys, tears dotting my eyes. She was so disappointed.

"Because, dear. How else can I get my kicks in?"

She sucked in a shaky breath. Papyrus started crying, Undyne looked away, Toriel was glaring down, Mettaton wailing. Sans yelled at me, saying I was a mistake. I glanced at him, winking.

"Blade, Chara?"

It was given to me. I smiled and licked my lips. Striding over to Papyrus, I leaned down. Sans kicked the wall harder as Undyne freaked. Mettaton's screams grew louder. I whispered into his ear,

"I won't hurt you Paps. Play dead."

He trusted me as I faked cutting his chest. I sliced his shirt and he yelled, playing that he was hurt and slowly dying. Chara laughed while Frisk grinned a bit. I worked my way around the room, telling the tied up people to relax and pretend. Chara started preparing plans with Flowey as Frisk and I stayed. I signed to them to fake hurt everyone, and I knew they had been planning to escape.

Eventually, only Sans was left. I went into the room and he started to raise his hand.

"Sans, buddy, trust me. Look out there and call to Papyrus."

His face wavered and he did. Papyrus glanced around and turned to wave. Sans turned with tears in his eyes.

"how did you..."

I smiled a bit and held up my hands.

"I faked it, bud. So did Frisk, we have to overpower Chara and Flowey. Help."

He nodded and I opened the door with the code. We stepped out and untied everyone, getting them to rush after Chara.

When they found them, the two were ready. Frisk lead the way, and after a long battle we were all alive but hurt. I walked over to Chara.

I sliced their throat. Soon after, a deranged laugh filled the room. My eyes started belle ding as I kissed my dear Alphys one more time, saying goodbye.

"Plan worked, huh?"

*oh my gig why is this exist kill nowww

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