La Malheureux, Chapitre Petite

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I ran after Frisk, Undyne and Papyrus, laughing at the feeble attempts to hide. We were playing tag, and I was it. But not for long.

"Come out, my pretties. I'll get you, and your little human too!" I called out by the big tree, almost thirty feet tall. Sans called out to me.

"why are you playing a game for babies?" He laughed, shaking his head.

"Because we're immature asses!" Was my quick response. I saw a flash of red scarf, and ran to catch him. But a loud shriek distracted me first.

*whistles* trigger warning: attempted death, tears, cursing, and people. from the Kankri Trigger Foundation. Summary at the end.

I looked up, and screamed myself. A woman was sitting in a high up branch, moving her neck into a noose. Sans glanced up, and immediately lifted her up. She started wriggling around, and Sans moved her so her neck was out of the noose. Undyne threw her spear to slice the rope and unravel the thing, while Papyrus covered his and Frisk's eyes.

Sprinting to the woman, I held her down as Sans tried to calm her. After a bit, when the park cleared out (including Pap, Undyne and Frisk) she turned to us.

"The fudge did you save me for? I didn't want to be saved! I wanted to die!"

"Oh jesus...look, miss-"

"Janet, my damned name is shitty Janet."

"look, Janet. you clearly didn't want to die, as you did this in a public place." Sans was using a similar speech to talk her down as he did to me, that night on the ledge.

"I wanted to die high up, asswad. I wanted to be damned close to Heaven, cause I'll be going to Hell."

I put my hand on her forehead, and Janet looked at me. Shaking my head, tears dropping onto her jacket, I looked deep into her eyes.

"You wanted someone to see you in death, because no one saw you in life." I whispered, only to her. No one else was here, it seemed. This woman was in same place I was just months ago, aching and tired. Her world had seemed void of any life that cared, and now I had shoved in with Sans at my side.

"Yeah." She nodded, and burst into tears. Sans seemed shocked that I got her to open up this fast, but she had seen my old pain in my eyes and knew. Knew that we could help. Janet held onto me, crying and screaming, shouting sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry to us.

I shushed her, patted her back and held onto Janet just as tight. I wasn't letting go until she needed me too. I glanced at Sans, and he leaned back. It was pretty clear we were going to be here for a while.

*SUMMARY, GUYS! LOOK HERE! So a woman, attempts suicide, gets saved, and soothed by you and Sans.

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