Love at First Sight

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It was a warm day when I fell. I had wanted to see the top of Mt. Ebbot, to look at the sky and be at the tallest point in the country. But I fell, instead. Into a hole. I stood, only to find a fiery pain in my left ankle. I settled onto the floor, holding my hurt ankle, hoping someone else would pass by. I heard a small cry, and looked up to see a child standing there. They had a shocked look on their face, and held out their hand.

"Are you okay?"

I smiled weakly and took the outstretched hand, trying not to use my ankle to much.

"Ah, think I sprained my ankle or something."

The kid held my waist and started helping me, taking me around puzzles and talking, telling me their name was Frisk. After we learned each other's names and I told a number of bad jokes, we arrived at a small purple house. A goat woman looked out and saw me. She ran to us and held my other side.

"Oh my, are you alright?"

"Mentally. I think something's up with my ankle."

"Well, my child, come in and we can fix you up. I do have guests coming over though..."

"That's fine, I can just stay out here."

"Oh, no! I just wondered if you were alright with having new people around."

I nodded and smiled at her. She returned the smile and set me on a large chair, and left down the hall.

I turned to Frisk and asked what guests these were.

"Friends. You might like Sans, he's funny like you."

"Nah, I think I'm pretty prickly around new people."

"What about us?"

"Well, you and Goat Mom are nice."

Frisk laughed and went to the kitchen. I fell asleep, and was woken up by Frisk shaking my arm and a loud conversation in the front room. I glanced at my ankle to find it was wrapped up, and that I had a coat on top of my chest. Looking at the doorway into the next room, I saw a few tall figures and two short ones. Frisk handed me a pill and some water, telling me it would help my ankle. After a few more minutes, I was able to hobble over to the doorway.

Two skeletons, a fish lady, a dinosaur looking girl, a robot, a ghost. But the short skeleton caught my eye, and I watched as he cracked jokes and puns, making the other skeleton groan. I gained that his name was Sans and the tall one was Papyrus. The fish lady was Undyne and the robot was Mettaton. The ghost was called Blooky, and the lizard woman was Alphys.

Eventually Sans looked over into the room I was in, waving at Frisk. They stood in the doorway, smiling at him. I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked down to see Frisk pointing at Sans. I shook my head and went back to watching, but minutes later the short skele was looking into my eyes. His smile seemed a bit bigger now, and my heart went faster.

I smiled shyly at him, then looked away and schooched from the doorway. But Frisk was dragging me past the chair and to the table, and they plopped me down in a chair. Soon everyone joined us, and Frisk made Sans sit by me. He settled into his chair and gave me a lazy smile, making me blush a bit. Toriel served us our food, a snail pie with salads and meat of some kind. Sans got some ketchup. I was given a piece of b-scotch and cinnamon pie, because of my ankle.

After dinner we all sat by the fire, talking. I was shoved by Sans again, and Frisk was giving me a thumbs-up. I glanced at him again to find he was looking at me. I cleared my throat and turned to him.

"I'm (y/n)."

"I'm Sans."

Frisk had tugged on Papyrus' scarf, making him look at us. Sans was telling me a few jokes, and I made him laugh at a few. By the end of the night, we were almost best friends. But I still blushed at his smile and felt weird around him. The tall skeleton was taking Frisk for a sleepover, and I was invited.

We walked along, Papyrus carrying me. It was hard to think I had met these guys only hours ago. I was half asleep by the time we arrived the small house. I felt the boney arms that had carried me here set me on the couch, cover me up.

Hours later, it was dark and super early, around one or so. My watch was the source of information. I sat up a bit, groggy, and noticed a figure leaning on the stairs. I squinted at them, short person moved closer and sat right next to me. Sans didn't seem to register me as awake, but hey. The guy makes my heart go frickin nuts. I wasn't gonna make him move away anytime soon. I settled down again, ready to sleep.

"i know you're awake."

"Oh, so do I."

"hah. why are you up so early?"

I shrugged a bit, then realized he didn't see it in the darkness.

"I fell asleep early."

He smiled in the dim light and rested on the couch. He moved closer and I let him, this was a big enough couch for the both of us. Sans' hand was kinda near my own, and after making sure he was asleep, I grabbed it in my own. He shifted on his sleep at this, and I chuckled.

Man, being down here was gonna be great if I could be close to Sans.

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