The Lonely God

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The god was lonely.

But, in a flash of pale green light that pierced the endless white of their realm, a small human stood there. This human was about six, with short brown hair and a striped shirt. They looked around, frightened and nervous. A slow, sweet voice rung out in the silent light.

"Hello. What is your name?"

And this tiny human looked up with a nervous face, and saw in front of them a human-like figure. This figure was (height), and (weight). They had (h/l), (h/c) hair. Pure white clothes were draped around them, a short robe. A confused look hung on their face, but happy nevertheless.

"Oh, um, I'm Frisk."

This figure smiled, and nodded.

"I am (y/n). Why are you here, child?"

Frisk didn't know. Why were they here? One second, they were walking along the sidewalk. Then, they were here. They wanted to go home. But...

"I see. You do not know. Well, it was nice to meet you."

Frisk smiled uncertainly and walked over to this figure, who radiated light and kindness. But when they stood a few feet from them, the pale green light flashed about and Frisk was back at their home, despite not walking there.


The god kneeled on the floor, and expected something to happen. Curious, how these feelings came out at the strangest times.

But the long-gone light burst out again, and there was Frisk.

"Ah, hello. Oh. You are no longer six, but..."

"Thirteen." Finished Frisk, bewildered that they were here. Wasn't this a dream? It was broad daylight outside.

"Well, thirteen. You look the same, but taller."

"Yeah, I grew a bit."

The god laughed. Frisk smiled and walked up again. The god (y/n) was wearing white clothes again, but this time a long shirt that pooled onto the floor with slouching sleeves. And gleaming silver chain were around their wrists. Frisk had seen them before, but never registered them as important.

"Hmm... Child, you are distracted."

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about tomorrow."

"Your... Birthday?"

Frisk was surprised. This person knew?

They were a god, after all.

"Uh, y-yes."

"Happy birthday, Frisk!"

A smile was on (y/n)'s face, and they clasped their hands. Frisk wanted to head home, despite the beautiful company of this dream-like god.

And in a flash of light, Frisk was back in their garden with Toriel weeding her flowers.


Frisk opened their eyes and saw (y/n). They were sixteen.

"Hello, hello!" Called the grinning figure, waving as their chains clinked.

Frisk smiled wide and ran over to them.


This was the third time Frisk had seen (y/n). And today, of all days!

"It's your birthday, is it not?"

"Yeah, it is! How did you remember?"

"I always remember. Though it seems a mere day since I saw you last."

Huh? It had been three years! But, if this god was eternal, it made sense.

Frisk sat in front of them.

"So, um, why do you have those chains?"

The happy look was gone, replaced with a grim mouth and serious eyes.

"I am dangerous."

Frisk blinked, and the god smiled at them.

"But! How is your party, dear?"

"Oh, um, well, it's got red decorations and a huge cake. Toriel, my mom, made it. We were gonna blow out the candles in a bit, but I was here. What happens when I'm here, to my world?"

(Y/n) tilted their head.

"Your body continues on. You respond and act normally, but your mind is here. This is not a physical plane, Frisk."

"Oh! Okay. Well, um, can I go back? I don't wanna miss cake..."

"Yes. Just think of your home."

And Frisk was gone.


Frisk rubbed their eyes and saw the god who they came to know very well. But the chains looked strained, the smile forced. Walking up, Frisk smiled a bit.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine... Just, Frisk, if I say to leave, leave. Think of home."

"Okay. So, how do I get here?"

"Ah. You think of me. When you were six, you were thinking of slaves in chains from school and gods. When you were thirteen, you remembered the strange occurrence you had. And sixteen, you remembered me saying happy birthday. And now, you thought of me for no reason."

"Cool. So, are you really oka-"

The god's eyes were turning red, and the smile was gone.

"Frisk, go."

"Wait! You need help."


And Frisk disappeared, twenty-one.


For years, Frisk tried to see them. But (y/n) always pushed them back, not allowing the scared human to see them. Each year, on Frisk's birthday and every day in between.

And Frisk never saw the god again, until years later.

The monsters they had in their life were gathered around the hospital bed. Frisk's hair was grey, their heart failing. Everyone was crying, hard.

Frisk wished to see (y/n), and it worked. There was the god, clad in a hooded robe, white as the clouds. They looked up, tears in their eyes.

"Hello Frisk. Oh, my dear. You are dying."

Frisk nodded, a sad smile on their face.

"You are so old."

Frisk moved forward, and held out their hands. The god took them, the eternal skin still soft and new. Frisk leaned in, as did the god with shining wet eyes.

"I love you." Whispered the old human, dying.

"As do I, love. As do I."

And Frisk was gone. Their heart had failed, they were dead.

In the real world, the family Frisk gathered whined and cried, loudly.

And with our god, they dropped the now empty hands. The chains rustled. Tears fell, silent in the forever white.

Frisk was this god's first love.

Frisk was this god's first friend.

Frisk was this god's last friend.

And the god was lonely.

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