Fighting Rough

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I held my sword as she grabbed her spear. She smiled as I licked my lips, steadying myself for the battle. She nodded, and I tilted my head.

Undyne lunged at me, and I ducked low and swept the floor. I spin-kicked her onto her back and she caught herself. I raised my sword at her and move forward as Undyne countered with her spear. We struggled like this for an hour, sweating and refusing to give up. We had known each other for years, and it had come to this.

I pushed her up against the wall and kept her there with my arms on hers. A pock t knife was held by her neck, and I spoke for the first time since we started fighting.

"You look awful pretty Undyne."

She smirked and kicked me back. She kicked her spear away and grabbed a sword equal to mine. She ran to me and swung, nearly hitting me. I spun away and started the deadly dance of swords and words.

"Could say the same to you." She moved at my belly.

"If you wanted, we could fight in another way." I kicked her shins.

"If you live." Undyne laughed, tossing her spear at my head.

"If you live, I think. A pity too, you look better in each new pair of jeans you get." I dodged and crept toward her.

After a long time of flirts and minor cuts, I stopped to breathe.

"Here we are, don't turn away now." She smirked.

"We are the warriors that built this town." I stood tall and pulled my hair back.

"The time will come." Undyne moved closer and brought the sword near me.

"When you will have to rise." I pushed it away with my own and kept my eyes on hers.

"Above the best." She moved me closer to the wall and trusted her sword at me.

"And prove yourself." I stepped forward and countered.

"Your soul never dies." Undyne was once again by a wall, and trapped. I knocked her sword out of her hands and kept her in the corner.

"I win." I said, bring my sword up closer, closer, closer................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"You owe me dinner Undyne." I chuckled and dropped the weapons.

"Ugh, fine. Where you wanna eat?" She asked, slinging her arm over my shoulders.

"That place that gives you a free shirt if you complete the food challenge."


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