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(Y/n) lay on the floor, blood seeping out their stomach. Upon seeing this, all their friends ran towards them and started crying hard, while they screamed out apologies. Their voice grew softer and softer until it was a mere whisper, and Alphys was holding their hand tightly while Toriel had their head in her lap.

They drew on their last breath, slow and peaceful. Everyone gathered around, their tears dripping onto their clothes. It was silent until one, one peaceful person, spoke.

"A-are...they, you know...h-happy?"

Sans looked up at Alphys and shrugged. Alphys reached for her bag and searched though until she found what she needed. She rubbed a bit of the concoction onto (y/n)'s forehead and tapped it once.

Their body lifted up, and a projection appeared above their head. It featured (y/n) in a long black coat/dress, serene and happy. Alphys appeared, in a long white coat. She walked up to (y/n) and held out her hand, smiling. (Y/n) seemed confused, before looking at their coat/dress and realizing it was black. They looked up at Alphys.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" They asked her. "If I were dreaming, I'd be wearing white."

Alphys smiled sadly and nodded. (Y/n) looked down and took Alphys' hand, asking her about what the afterlife is like. Eventually the two came to a gate, large and silver. Alphys pushed it open and there stood the gang, wearing all white versions of their clothes, even Mettaton. (Y/n) teared up as Alphys asked if being dead here was okay.

"Yes. It's fine."

"A-And you...know you can v-visit the living Alphys, r-right?"

"Yeah. I'm happy here."

"Just k-know you h-have to let h-her live h-her life."

"Of course."

The group by now was standing with (y/n) and talking. Toriel asked if being with them, dead, was really alright.

(Y/n) started crying, silently. The living monsters watching started crying too. They readied the body to be moved.

"Of course I'm okay being here. With all you..."

Alphys was holding their corpses hand, wailing.

"I'm home."

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