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Waving at the crowd, you turned to go inside the restaurant. Often people turned out to see you, wondering what you would wear and who you might be with. Normally some sexy celebrity was on your arm, but today you were alone.

Walking inside the opened door, you glanced around to see who was there. Today was special, a monumental moment. Today everything would change, and everyone would pay more attention to what happened on the bubble of celebs.

Today was the day you announced your engagement.

Now, don't think you're that selfish. Being who you were, an insanely popular actress with a grand singing career, only twenty two, getting engaged was huge. This meant that there would be a wedding, honeymoon, fights, tabloids hounding you. And all of that was expected, not feared. Running up to your fiancé, you held their arm and waved your hand for the reporters to settle down.

"Now, now, ladies and gentlemen, I need you to settle down. I have an announcement, please calm yourselves!" You sang out, waiting a few more minutes until all eyes were in you and your significant other.

"I want to thank you all, so much, for coming here, but I know what you want. Well, then, the rumors are true- I am engaged to marry Taylor Nero!" You called, bringing cheers and a kiss.

*(Tried to pick a non binary name sorry)

After a few pictures and some talking, you waved goodbye to your sweetheart and strutted out the door. Your designer shoes hit the pavement, bringing you to one of your favorite places.


While this was cheap, common food, the atmosphere helped you focus and write songs, the customers always helping act out rehearsal scenes. Once in a while, they would recommend you to Sans for the comedy scenes, but the elusive Sans was never in when you were. The warm, dim lights greeted you and washed away the stress. Grillby nodded at you, the bunny near the door smiled. The song 'Headphones' played in through the jukebox.

Dancing and singing over to the bar, you plopped into a seat and twirled it around, singing loudly and comfortably. The regulars here never judged when you sang, smiling and nodding to the beat. You smiled wider and flung up your hands. The whole restaurant screamed out the last word and you turned to order.

"I'd love some fries, Grillby. Maybe some ketchup."

He nodded and turned around, going to grab your food. You smiled and leaned your arms on the counter, content with just being accepted. Just as the warm food was placed in front of you, a skeletal hand reached for the ketchup by you. You turned to whoever stole your delicious tomatoey condiment.

"Hey, I was gonna use tha-"

The skeleton was dumping ketchup in his eye.

"Never mind."

The short skele winked at you from the side, grinning. You returned the smile, laughing at the fact he was dumping ketchup in his eye socket. He put the bottle down and let you use it, before introducing himself.

"i'm sans, sans the skeleton. i'm going to assume you are the famous (y/n)?"

"Yup, that's me. I've heard about you."

"really? well, that's great. can you follow me?"

You eyed him, but he gave you a reassuring smile.

"not gonna try anything, kid."

You shrugged and stood up, plopping down money and running out the door. Sans walked around, talking to you, and you made conversation as he snuck in puns. Eventually you came to a small park at the edge of town, and he walked to the middle and promptly fell down. But Sans stayed there, and waved you over.

Laying down by him, you looked up at the trees, and flowers, and birds, and sky, and everything. It was darker now, the perfect time of day. Sans sighed, and smiled at the sky. He was almost asleep, and you knew you probably wouldn't see him again. Your fiancé wanted to be married as soon as possible, so for a while, no more Grillby's, no more songs. No more Sans.

Despite you just meeting, you felt as if in another time you had been close, so close, but still...

He snored softly. You had spent a few hours together but you wanted to spend much more. You pulled out a notepad and pencil, wrote him a note. Then you walked away.


Sans woke up, alone in the grass. He saw some paper fluttering, and picked it up.


I know we just met. But I feel as if we have known each other long before this. I wanted to spend more time with you. But I have to go, and I won't see you again. I know it.


He smiled at bit, and whispered out to the air you had met before. Not in this timeline, but before. And he would miss you, god yes. He had learned that in the timelines you didn't meet him when you should, you left.

And he had come to accept it, accept that his lovely singer would always dance away.

*guys guys don't hate on me I need ideas for anything other than Chara and Sans dammit I'll give y'all a dedication please and don't read below if you like this ending


Six years. Since you had left Sans. And now, now the idiot you married cheated on you. You had divorced, and music was your priority once again. And age twenty-eight. Grillby's was still open. You plopped in a seat, getting a shocked look from Grillby. You smiled weakly and asked for some fries.

He did his version of a smile, and nodded. You rested your head in your hands, sighing. You almost expected him to speak up, say hey.

But nah. Happy endings don't exist.

As you dug into your fries, your ketchup was grabbed away.

Bewilderment rested on your face as you turned to the side, and saw.

Oh god, he was just the same. Down to the clothes. A small sound came from you, a mix of a sigh, a gasp, a laugh, a sob. He turned to you and his eye sockets widened.

"Hey Sans."

"hey (y/n)."

You stared at him, and he searched your face. Eventually he grabbed your hand and you both walked out, to the park, to the spot where you had laid all those years ago.

Maybe there are a few happy endings.

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