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"This is it, huh?" You asked him. Crying as your body slowly dissipates.

"Ha. Yeah, it is." Sans told you, crying too. Reset. Something bugged, and there was an involuntary, horrible reset. Unlike any other reset before.

You clutched at Sans, the two of you floating in darkness with white at the bottom. Desperately reaching for his hands, jacket, arms, holding onto whatever you could. He remained intact, but you were merely fading.

"Sans?" You looked up at him.

"Yes?" He pulled you closer as others faded out.

"You said... You said I might not remember. When I wake up on the flowers."

"Y-Yeah. I did, didn't I?" He asked, tears dripping do his forced smile.

"When we meet again, c-can you say to me, 'don't I know you?'"

"Yeah. I can."


"What?" He asked gently.

"I-I love y-you." You hiccuped, tears making your tongue taste like salt.

Now, you were almost gone. He pulled you close, crying harder. Sans kissed your forehead as you left. He opened his eyes to see he was back at his post. In the snow.

We're doing this again, huh?

A human came up to him.

"Hey. Don't you know how to greet a new friend?"

After his talk with you, as he watched your frame walk out in the snowy wind, he called out to you.


You turned your head over your shoulder, wind whipping through your (h/l) hair.


"Don't I know you?"

A smile rested on your features. His face lit up.

"No. I don't think you do."

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