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Pulling on a huge shirt, I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head. After a long, tiring day of work, sleep was welcomed like a free cookie.

With a few minutes of trying to be comfortable, I feel asleep on my back. Now, usually I don't dream. But tonight, in a background of black, I saw souls drifting around me, a silver chain on my neck, and a small figure watching. They move their hand up, drawing the souls away from my head. As I watched for any sign of what they were, a voice spoke out.

"Greetings. I am Chara." Said the figure, stepping forward into the dim glowing of souls. I now could see the light brown hair, green and yellow shirt, pale skin and rosy cheeks. But the red eyes caught me off guard. They seemed friendly, like I should trust them. But I wasn't quite sure.

"Chara? I've...heard that before...haven't I?" I asked of them, gaining a small smile and a nod.

"Yes, and many others have. I'm surprised you aren't scared." Before I could process what that meant, they bright eyes fades to empty black eye sockets, bleeding a strange liquid and a demonic smile. Trying to step back, I was shocked with an immense amount of pain in my back. I dropped to my knees, screaming and bending my back so as not to strain it.

"Ah, did I forget to mention you have a wall around you?" They questioned, tilting their head and widening the grin to an extent not humanly possible. I looked at them, scared of what they can do. The demon nodded to something behind me, and I, like an idiot, I turned around. There sat Frisk, head down, crying onto their stick. I wanted to run to them, comfort them.

"(Y/n)...why did you do this to us?" They asked, looking at me with eyes void of any emotion but hate. I shook my head, but Frisk just stood and walked over to me, angry and upset. But they glitched, moving closer with each shudder. Until they were right in front of me.

"You...why did you think that killing them...was the way to get through this?" Frisk looked into my eyes, glaring, and they shoved their hands onto the wall that hurt only me, but separated everyone else.

"DID YOU THINK THAT KILLING, MURDERING ALL OUR FRIENDS, WOUDL MAKE YOU HAPPY?" They screamed at me, trying to hit me but failing. I listened to them rant about what I had done, killing all I loved, and laughed at the way they lay motionless. Each word forged a chain link, growing from the metal collar I wore. I shook my head, hard, tears filling my eyes and weighing me down. Dropping to my knees, tearing the skin a bit, letting out blood. This continued until I slammed my fist on the wall.


Frisk looked at me, disdain evident on their face. They gave me a bitter smile and shook their head. They continued talking, and I heard a higher voice join. I turned to him, wondering what I did to Papyrus.

"HUMAN...WHY DID YOU DO THIS? YOU COULDN'T SAVE US FROM WHAT YOU BECAME." He wailed, making my chain grow longer. I was starting to wonder, is this just a nightmare? Chara's giggles filled the space between each word they spoke, overlapping with the guilt. Crying harder, banging my fist on the ground, and hearing another voice come into the speaking ring. A slightly scratchy voice, angry and hateful.

"Humans were meant to be killed, and what do you do? Murder the ones your kind ruined!" Screeched Undyne, spite showing and hitting my soul with each word. She slammed her hands on the invisable wall, hitting it again and again, trying to break it down so she could hurt me.

"Demon...I never should have taken you into my home." Toriel whispered, kneeling right by my wall and looking sorrowful, upset. I faced her, put my hand on the wall. Ignoring the pain, I tried to speak with her, but Toriel wouldn't listen to anything I said, just kept saying things quietly so only I could hear. Chara laughed harder, and my silver chain grew longer and thicker.

The chain was almost on the floor, ready to connect and trap me forever. Bawling, trying to get them to stop, stop saying all these things, I hadn't DONE ANY OF THEM! I couldn't take any more, any more of this drowning guilt. Toriel was looking down, not wanting to meet my eyes, Frisk was still glaring at my head, yelling, Papyrus still shook his head, wailing about how I betrayed him. Undyne still slammed on the prison wall.

"First you ruined my career, then killed me? Fame made you such a terrible being, I wonder how you keep living with that guilt." Mettaton shouted, angry at me for almost everything. I yelled out how that wasn't me, I was good, I had no LV! He had to believe me, believe that I was good! I tried to do my best, and this wasn't my timeline!

"You said maybe dying would make me feel better, but it didn't." Napstablook said, in a quivering voice. He, too, was sad, but slightly angry. Tears dripped down and made a small puddle around him, causing me to tear my eyes away from Toriel and reach for him.

"I-I-I was t-told not to t-trust humans. W-What made me t-trust you?" Alphys questioned me, lip shaking and uncertain hate showing in her tone. I kneeled down, moving my head too show I didn't do this, what they said I did. They taunted me, made me cry, ruined any chance I had to convince them I was a kind person.

Asgore stood by them now, but didn't say anything. He merely shook his head, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. I didn't know what to say, but I screamed out apologies anyway. Maybe I had done all this, and my good life was just a dream, a lie. Maybe I had killed who they said I had, and I was a horrible demon like Chara, who now laughed so loud it overpowered almost everyone. By now every monster I had met stood there, taunting and yelling at me for my crimes.

I felt my tears on the stone ground become hot, to hot, burning my skin and bringing more pain. My hand was still by Toriel, and my knee still hurt. The chain I had, meant to keep me here, was thick and insanely heavy. Blood mixed with the scalding tears. The angry speech became louder, louder, mixing with Chara's cackling to become a hellish song, making me realize this was Hell, and I was paying for all I did. But still, somewhere, I knew this was a dream.

"kid, i've screwed up in the past. but make me look like a saint." Said a low voice, shattering every last hope I had, and ever will. Despite me believing I couldn't cry harder, couldn't hurt more, Sans saying sixteen words caused me to scream and bawl so hard my throat burned, my eyes hurt, my lungs gasped for air I didn't deserve. I never deserved it, never will. I was a mistake, falling with Frisk, and this is what I had done.

I never had deserved to live, I realized. When I recognized this, I pulled my hand away from the wall. Standing up, faltering, I turned to look at Chara. They had stopped laughing, that horrific smile on their face. They knew what I knew, and had always intended this. The monsters had stopped talking, giving me terrible looks. I summoned up enough courage, let my chain extend from here and walked through the wall.

It hurt, but the monsters let me pass. They watched me walk to Chara, my feeble Determination the thing getting me there. When the small demon was right in front of me, a knife in hand that hadn't been there before, they said thirteen words. When they were whispered, heard, I dropped again, my courage and Determination broken. They were right, it was the guilt keeping me here, not that. I was here, the chain was here, from my guilt. My crushing guilt. I started to cry again, but not like last time. This weeping was completely silent, and sadder. The monsters were behind me, quiet. It was even scarier than before, even worse because I knew what they thought of me, what they thought I was.

"why are ya crying, kid? you did this yourself. you just need to open your eyes." Said a voice, right behind me, quiet yet louder than life.

Gasping, I opened my eyes, to see Sans sitting on my bed, worried. He usually came in the morning to take me to work. His eyes searched my face, flicking over my features. I shook my head, ignoring the small figure behind him.

My words: 1,500

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