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You sat on a bench, on a stage, black all around. Slowly, lights came up, still very dim, revealing a realistic bus stop. Lighted like nighttime, thin orange lights over a bench. The music began as you stood and began your dance.

Now I'm thinking maybe I was stoned

You touched your head lightly.

I felt my feet lift off the ground

You did a leap.

And my heart was screamin' at my bones

You mimicked counting bones.

I need you closer

You looked up in your position, at the fellow dancer. He stood at the center of the set-up road, casual with pockets hands and bewildered eyes.

As he's in the middle of the street

Then I pretend he's mine to keep

You slightly reached out your arms.

Cars are runnin' fast on both sides of his head

His eyes say, "Closer."

He looked at you, almost longingly.

Closer, closer

Lights down, you open them with the curtain quickly pulled back revealing a bar outside with the same bench. Both of you sitting.

I met him when the sun was down

The bar was closed, we both have had no sleep

My face beneath the streetlamp, it reveals what it is

You looked up, not at him.

Lonely people seek

Closer, closer

Closer, closer

Lights down, curtain down again. Back to the old setting.

Lights up.

And you're close enough to lose

You wrapped your arms around air, then dropped them, scared.

Close to the point where you know that your mind

It cannot choose

Close enough to lose

You looked for him.

Close enough to lose your heart

Sat down.

Now I'm thinking maybe I was stoned

I felt my feet lift off the ground


And my heart was screamin' at my bones

I need you closer

Reach for him.

Closer, closer

Lights, curtain.

You met me when the sun was down

And the bar was closed, we both have had no sleep

You look to him.

My face beneath the streetlamp, it reveals what it is

Lonely people seek

Closer, closer

Reach. Drop.

Closer, closer

Both stand.

Then you're close enough to lose


Close to the point where you know that your mind

Dance slow with him.

It cannot choose


Close enough to lose

Close enough to lose your heart

You sat down, he went back to start.

The lights down. Applause. You leave the stage. Everyone congratulates you, it was as if you and real chemistry.

Well, once you did.

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