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After you had erased your memory, everyone showed you pictures and things from your life. They started to give up.

But Alphys was determined to help.

And maybe, finally, she could be with you. She had liked you all her life, after all.

"And, this was the day y-you started a garden." She told you, pointing at a seed packet you kept.

"Wow. I had a garden?" You asked her, surprised.


"Cool!" You exclaimed, reading the tiny pouch. It was for (favorite flower). You wanted to see this garden. But it was colder today, so you just stayed inside with Alphys.

After a few hours, you leaned closer to Alphys.

"Hey, can I ask something?" You wondered, a smug look on your face.

"Oh, uh, s-sure!"

You smiled gently.

"Were you my girlfriend?"

Alphys blushed and sputtered out a surprised no. You laughed a bit.

"Can we change that?"

Alphys fainted.

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