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You were walking through the city, it was kinda late and you were tired.

You were always tired though. Your sister racked you for it. She would push you out of bed, off the couch, off the floor. And out of the house.

She was a police officer, a good one at that. She had a great girlfriend. She was nice. She dressed well.

You just pulled on blue shorts and a black hoodie, complete with an old pink shirt. You had on worn white slippers, too.

You were hungry, and so you looked for food, seeing a place called Grillby's. Kinda looked like your friends restaurant, Hsjmmcz't.

(They were kinda bad at names (and crazy))

You walked in and sat at the bar, and ordered some fries with a fuckton of ketchup. The monster behind the counter, made of fire, nodded and got dat fuud ready.

When dat fuud showed up, you smiled (wider, I might add, you smiled a lot) and dug in.

"nice choice." Said a voice behind you. You turned around slowly and looked.

A skeleton, around five feet. Big smile. Clothes that, uh.

Reversed yours?

Black shorts, not blue. Blue hoodie, not black. White shirt, not pink. Pink slippers, not white.

He turned and walked to the seat beside you.

"Nice clothes."

"i know, right? same to you."

You snorted and turned back to dat fuud.

"What's your name?"

"sans, you?"

You shoved some ketchup fry into your mouth.


He nodded and asked for straight ketchup.

A person with their hair in a bun, half covered by a Batman beanie, leaned over to him and said-

"Or how about gay ketchup?"

To which he shaved their face away and scolded them, calling them 'AW'.

You laughed.


"UGH, MAY WE LEAVE? THIS PLACE IS SO GREASY!" Cried some tall skeleton.

"Where have you been?" Asked your sister.

Sans shrugged and smiled. You did the same.

"Here." You both answered.

Your sister and the tall guy grabbed your collars and groaned. You laughed and waved to Sans, handing him your number scribbled on a napkin.

"So, do you like that guy or what?" Wondered your sister, dragging you down the street.

"DO YOU LIKE THAT HUMAN?" Asked Papyrus, the opposite way.

"What? Ew, no." You giggled.

"nah. not my type." Said Sans.

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