The Dance

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"Glancing out from behind the curtain, I saw hundreds of faces ready for my arrival. Fancy clothing, smiles, and excited eyes. Glancing down at my (dress/suit), I sighed and tapped on the bell next to me. Music started up and I positioned myself where I needed to be. As the fanfare rose in volume, I ran my gloved hands over the silk indigo cape I wore. It was passed down among the family.

The curtains pulled apart and gasps were heard. Keeping my eyes above the crowd, I stepped out and sat in my throne. Today was my eighteenth birthday, and my coronation had taken place this morning to a small group of elites.

My guard stood next to me, and two more were by the steps before me. Undyne was dressed not in armor, but in a nice suit. I looked out at the crowd, trying not to seem haughty, and saw a few faces I didn't recognize. Suitors.

Waving my hand for the music to start, I watched as everyone partnered up and danced merrily, planting a small smile on my face. After a full hour of watching, I rose and held my hand for the dancing to end. Slowly walking down the steps, going to the middle of the room, I stood, poised and dignified. Everyone watched, wondering what I was doing.

"Start the music, please?"

The pianist nodded, grinning, and started playing my favorite song.

I smiled, and then a hand was in front of me, and without looking up I took it. Whoever it was danced with me around the room, never letting go of my hand. At one point, they lifted me a bit and spun me as my feet touched the floor, moving behind me and holding both my hands. While we danced, light and complex, I smiled wider and wider. And when the dance was almost over, I was brought close, then spun away quickly, my cape floating as I stopped.

Claps came about as my partner bowed, I (curtsied/bowed) in return. Looking up at their face, I saw someone who seemed to be neither boy or girl, but still was beautiful. Brown hair framed their face, and a blue outfit was worn. I smiled at them, and went to my throne. The person walked up to me a few minutes later, and I waved them up.

"My name is Frisk."

"I'm (king/queen) (Y/n)."

They sat by me on the floor, and we talked all through the evening. Eventually I was told the party had to end, for guests needed to head home. I made the announcement, and before they left, Frisk leaned in.

"I hope to see you again."


We exchanged letters over the next few months, until I called them for a visit. It would last one week. I flitted around the castle on the day they would arrive, nervous. When I was told Frisk was here, ran to them and hugged them. We left for lunch.


A day before they would leave, Frisk took me out to the garden. We walked around, talking, until Frisk looked at me and sat on a bench.

"I know you didn't call me here just to talk."

"Fine, fine. I was wondering...if you wanted to...think about, um, marriage?"

Frisk smiled wide and held my hand.

"Of course."


We had officially courted for three months, and now was my wedding day. I was dressed in a white (gown/suit). My cape was worn, and I was ready. It was a small wedding, and today would be one of the best days of my life.

Music was played as I went down the aisle, and Frisk was there. We exchanged vows and rings, before kissing."

I tucked my little child into bed and kissed their forehead.

"That's how your parents met, dear. Now go to sleep."

Walking out into the hall, I saw Frisk fixing some flowers. I hugged them from behind, and kissed their neck.

"You should go to sleep, too."

They laughed, and turned around.

"Fine, fine. Anything for you, my (king/queen)."

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