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You had always loved him.

The cute blue skele, who you had known since you were both little.

When you were kids, at a relative's wedding.

"Sans, when we grow up, I'm gonna marry you."

"I'm gonna marry you too, (y/n)!"

You hugged him and laughed.


"Hey Sans. Remember the promise from when we were kids?"

"The promise to always be best friends? Of course."

You sighed softly and nodded, keeping the smile.


Now, you stood in his house as he bent down on one skeletal knee. Holding out a small, white gold ring.


Everyone clapped for the new fiancées.

You smiled wider.


You were wearing a lovely blue (dress/shirt). A daisy in your (hand/lapel). A small smile on your face.

Sans was right there. He flashed you a scared smile.

You just grinned wider.



God, today.

It was a beautifully decorated building.

Daisies and buttercups all over.

The short skeleton there, nervous but so happy.

Music started. Everyone was happy.

The soon-to-be-wed walked down the aisle.


A lovely dress on her features.


Sans' bride.

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