A Bed Time Story.

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((F/l) means first letter of your name)

"Tell us a story!"


"Alright, fine. Settle down. Get under your covers."



"Alright. Once upon a time, there was a nice monster. He was about thirteen. His name was Asgore. One day, he met a human. This human was also thirteen. They will be named (f/l). The two became best friends. They did everything together. The two were inseparable. And eventually, they fell in love."


"Awww, yay!"

"Yes, yay! They went everywhere together. They held hands all the time. But, when the two were fourteen, the humans declared war on monsters."

"Oh no! Why?"

"No one knows."

"What happened next?"

"Despite the war, the two stayed together. They wouldn't be separated. But, the humans won the war. Monsters were sent underground, forever. Locked down there with an unbreakable barrier."

"Oh, no."

"Just before the monster went underground, he kissed the human goodbye. They never saw each other again. The human grew up, fell in love again. (Had/Adopted) some beautiful children. But it wasn't the same as the love they shared with the monster."

"What next?"

"The human found out their love was cheating on them. They kissed someone else."

"Uh oh!"

"Yeah. I know. So the human left, with their two kids. Set up a nice home, happy. But they still missed the monster. The human knew the monster missed them too."

"Wow. That was a great story!"

"I loved that tale!"

"Hah, yes. Night, my babies."



"Yeah... Just a story."

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