Ichiru & Memories

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~Rose's POV~

We were walking out the door and out to the gates. I looked around and said loudly so everyone could hear, "I don't hear screaming...."

"It's the day before the exams Rose," Jason said, "Weren't you paying attention in class?" I gave an innocent look.

"Well...Yagari's book is really interesting...it's a Sherlock Holmes mystery book, I'm glad he got another copy," I said directing the conversation.

"No ones blaming you Rose. It's not like anyone did either. I just so happened to remember that." Jason said. I smiled and punched him in the arm playfully.

"Then don't make me feel so bad!" I said laughing, then remembering what happened yesterday night. I look at the rest of the group, "Why so quiet everyone?" I said.

I run up to Kaname still recalling yesterday. I had started calling him by his name yesterday, he was.....sweeter..... after I gave him a really mean lecture.

"Kaname!" I said. Everyone perked up, surprised once again that I would call him by his first name. He even looked a bit startled as well, being pulled into remembering what happened yesterday.

"Good evening! I'm wondering, do we also take exams too? I'm sure everyone already know this stuff anyways right?" I said. I smiled and looked at him. He said, "No unlike the day class student we don't have a daily teacher and your right about already supposing to know these things," He said, "So do you?"

"So are you going to dance with some day class girls, Kaname?" I asked, not answering how own question. He didn't answer and so I took that as a no...wait...what about Yuki?

The doors open and I was still walking next to him and saw Zero give him a glance and when we past Yuki she bowed. Both, Yuki and I glanced at Kaname to see his expression.

Kaname was smiling and when we past by he stopped and turned back to his original straight face. What was that all about? I looked at Yuki and saw her have a confused face too.

I stopped walking and went back to Hanabusa and Akatsuki. "It's quiet. I wish it were like this all the time," Akatsuki said. Hanabusa looked back and Akatsuki said, "Still worried?"

We walked past Zero and Hanabusa said, implying it to both me and Zero, "It's not only me,"

I turned around and saw Zero intently staring at Maria. He was pretty freaked about Maria huh... I stopped when Maria stopped walking. She looked at Yuki, and Yuki had a look of surprised on her face...she made a movement but then caught me in the corner of her eyes.

She turned to me and brushed the hair out of my face. I caught it in surprise. She had widened eyes for a moment surprised at how quick the movement was for a human and then smirked.

"I'm sorry Maria," I apologized, "Haha, just reflexes, I don't know what happened there,"

After she walked on, it was only Yuki, Zero and I. When nothing was said I turned around ready to join the rest of the class. I was suddenly grabbed by Zero and he dragged me off.

I didn't question it probably thinking he had something important to say, "What do you want, Zero?" I asked as we stopped by a fountain.

"I told this to Yuki and now I'm telling this to you," Zero started a bit irritated, "Don't go near that woman!"

I scoff, "I wouldn't if I had the choice to. She's a bit suspicious but she's a good person. Besides didn't you see me pushing her hand away?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter! You said that was reflexes, try to avoid her as much as you can, alright?! Please?" he said closing his eyes. I sighed.

"Fine," I said, "I'll try to not be around her," I said, "now I need to get back to class,"

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