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I embrace Asriel as we lie on the flower bed. He seems quite surprised by my actions. Finally I hear him mutter few words.

"I....can't......breathe." he manages to say gasping for air.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I apologize as I stand up.

"Its (cough) okay (cough)." he says between the coughs.

I reach out to him with my hand and he grabs it. I pull him up from the flower bed. Wind blows around us and golden petals start flying through the air. He scraches the back of his head before he takes a deep breath.

"Is that how humans welcome friends?" He asks me with a smile.

"Only the special ones." I reply.

"I wanted to thank you." He says with a serious look on his face.

"For what?" I ask confused.

"For being patient." he replies.

"I keep my promises."

"And I see that you changed your fashion choices." He says and points at my skirt.

"And do you have a problem with that?" I ask.

"No, it looks good on you." He says quietly and blushes.

"But you still wear that striped shirt." I proclaim loudly.

"Well, it's not like I had a choice you know." He replies.

"I understand, if you are not ready yet, but do you want to go to the surface with me." I ask quietly.

"I would love to." He says determined and grabs my extended hand.

We slowly walk through the abandoned underground holding hands. Only thing breaking the silence is my voice as I tell him about everything that I have been doing these last years. I start telling him about what his parents have been doing. When I mention them, tears start to form in his eyes again. But he wipes them off with the long sleeve of his green-yellow striped shirt. I smile when he once again apologizes for being a crybaby. Together we easily open the massive door leading out of the Ruins. We walk through the snowy plains of Snowdin. Suddenly he stops. When I turn around snowball hits me into my shoulder.

"Asriel Dreemurr, this means war!" I yell happily as I start throwing snowballs at him. We both take cover behind nearby rocks.

"Ready to give up yet?" He asks me with two snowballs in each of his hands.

"Never!" I yell as I jump out from my cover and charge at him with snowball in my hand.

He jumps out as well and we both hit each other directly into the face.

"I think this means draw." I say as I clear my face.

"I agree to that." He says and smiles again.

Together we enter the waterfall cave. We succesfully navigate through the caverns until we reach Hotland. We enter the elevator and then we proceed through the corridors of the core. We finally make it to the palace. We stop in hallway of the new home.

"Wait a second please." He says and runs off.

I wait for a bit and then he returns with a small notebook in his hand.

"What's that?" I ask curiously.

"Just my diary that I used to write when I was smaller, I thought it would be a waste of paper to just let it rot here." He says and smiles brightly.

After a while we finally make it to the barrier. We climb up to the surface only to see a beautiful sunset.

"I have seen it before, but it's still beautiful." Asriel admits.

"It is." I simply respond before we start going towards the town.

We walk through the streets neither of us saying anything. After walking down few streets we stand directly in front of the house where I live. I grab the door handle and turn to Asriel.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"There is no way to be ready for something like this." He says with nervous look on his face.

I smile at his nervous expression as I open the door. 

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